Ted’s Blog

20 Ways to Free Your Mind

On Independence Day we celebrated our country’s freedom from the rule of the British empire. However, there are many other ways that our freedom can be curtailed besides being locked in a cell or ruled by a king. True freedom is the ability to make a conscious choice. Freedom to think, to choose and to […]

A Technique for Creating Immediate Calm and Relaxation

  If you are close to my age (I was born 12 days after the 60s started) you may remember a bit by the Three Stooges called Niagara Falls. Every time Moe hears the word Niagara Falls, he goes into a rant about his girl running off on him and beats up on Curly. This is a […]

Ted’s Book Now Available on Kindle!

My book “The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go of Negativity and Fear and Loving Life” is now available in Kindle format from Amazon.com! Click here or on the image to order or to take a look inside to preview.  I’ve actually got three five star reviews. Also, don’t forget, my Self Hypnosis for Success class […]

Self Hypnosis for Fear and Anxiety

Did you know that the most powerful skill you will ever learn is the ability to control your own thoughts? What you think becomes your life. If you think worrisome, fearful thoughts, you will be worried and fearful. Think about anxious things, and you will have anxiety. Do you feel like you are controlled by thoughts […]

What You Need When You Don’t Know What to Do

If read many articles or blogs in print or online, you may have noticed many  that start with “10 easy ways to…” or “43 things you should…” or “3 step formula for…” Why are there so many articles and blogs that start this way?  Because readers respond to them. They respond because we are all […]

Scribblings from Close to the Ground: Don’t be a Bootyhead!

 Welcome to another edition of “Scribblings from Close of the Ground”, wisdom from the mouths of babes, namely, Rocky and The Chick, my two daughters. R: Hi, Rocky here! C: And I’m The Chick, we’re Ted’s kids and we’re going to tell you how not to be a Bootyhead!! R: Ha ha! Bootyhead!! Bootyhead!! C: […]

Your Life in Balance? Forget About It.

Rock and The Chick in the outdoor dining area of Chez SD (my backyard) (This post is was originally published on May 17, 2010.) A few weeks back I was hanging out with my two daughters, The Chick and Rock. It was a beautiful day in the San Gabriel valley, and on such days I like to […]

I’m not Angry, It’s Just What I’m Feeling.

Years ago I worked for a company that sold accounting software. They charged for tech support, and my job was to take the incoming calls from people needing tech support, get a credit card number, and then transfer them to the tech support guys. Of course, some people didn’t like the idea of being charged […]

26 Things To Start Doing Today!

A while ago I posted 43 Things to Stop Doing Now!  Here are some things that you can start doing today that might make a difference in your life. Print them out and hang them up and see how many you can check off. Talk to strangers. Are you afraid of strangers? Guess what? They’re […]

Video: Success in Business with Hypnosis

I was recently featured again on HMI Web TV (HMI is the college of hypnotherapy that I attended) on the “Amazing Minds” segment. In the video, my client Robb talks about his experience with hypnotherapy and how it helped him move forward in his business venture. In my opinion, the Amazing Mind is anyone who […]