Hypnotherapy Services / Success Conditioning

I see clients in person in South Pasadena CA. Sessions usually last 1 hour with the exception of the first session which is an 1.5 hours. A digital recording of the hypnosis session can be made on your cell phone or emailed to you to listen to at home for reinforcement.

Remote Sessions

Remote sessions are available for clients that are not local to the Los Angeles/Pasadena area.  Hypnotherapy can be done effectively over Zoom, Skype or the phone and I have worked successfully with  with clients all over the world with excellent results. For more information click here or call toll free (855) 837-8477.

I provide results for my clients in the following areas:
  • General Anxiety
  • Social Anxiety
  • Driving Anxiety
  • Test Anxiety
  • Stage Fright
  • Public Speaking
  • Fears and Phobias (such as Fear of flying, heights, etc)

Goal Achievement/Business Success
  • Procrastination
  • Low Self Confidence
  • Lack of Self Esteem
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Fear in selling
  • I help my clients fall asleep easily and stay asleep for a good nights rest.
Quit Nicotine
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Quit Chewing Tobacco
Self Hypnosis Classes
  • I teach self hypnosis classes as well in person or remotely.
    Call or email for more information.
Stress Relief
  • One hypnotherapy session will leave you feeling lighter, calmer and much more relaxed. It’s like a mental massage.

This is a custom hypnosis recording made just for you that addresses the specific changes  you want to make in your life. This recording is designed to put you into a deep hypnotic trance and give you powerful suggestions to help you:

  • Release fear and anxiety about driving, social situations, flying, life transitions, etc.
  • Deal more effectively with problems and challenges
  • Create better eating habits
  • Increase motivation to exercise
  • Move past procrastination
  • Increase self esteem
  • Increase confidence
  • Achieve your goals

After a 20 to 30 minute phone conversation (can also be done via email) to discuss your specific desires, goals, challenges and obstacles, Ted will then create a 20 minute hypnosis audio recording using the power of suggestion to program your subconscious mind for success and goal achievement.

Note: These recording are designed to be listened to in a relaxed and reclining position. They are not meant to be listened to while driving or at any time when your safety requires your full conscious attention.

Personalized Motivational Audio Recordings

A personalized motivational CD is different from a hypnosis CD in that you can listen to it while driving because there is no hypnotic induction. It is designed to give you encouragement and support towards specific goals or projects that you are working on.

Everyone needs a coach. Someone to tell them “You can do this! Don’t give up!” It can make a world of difference in your attitude, especially if you are surrounded by others that are negative and not supportive of your and your goals. Or perhaps it is your own negative thinking and doubts that are your worst enemy.

Like the hypnosis CD, information about what your challenge or goal is will be taken during a 20 to 30 minute phone call or via email. Ted will then record a 20 minute CD that will give you the mental focus and positive feelings you need to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Personal/Small Business Coaching

I have a few spots available for personal or business success coaching. This would involve an initial consultation for assessment and goal setting. Coaching would proceed with 2 coaching calls per month of one 45 minutes in duration. Please call 626-826-0612 for further information or click here to contact Ted.