Entries by Ted Moreno

The Fires in Los Angeles – Episode 464

It’s Friday the 10th as I record write and four major fires are burning across Los Angeles County. My family and I are safe, the closest fire to where we live is the Eaton Fire burning in the hills above Altadena, just north of Pasadena. However, the air is thick with smoke and ash. My […]

Where is the Peace? Where is the Goodwill? – Episode 463

Peace on Earth, goodwill to all is what you hear this time of year, but truth be told, it’s sad to see the level of division, distrust and anger in our country today, not to mention the strife we see in the world at large. In the news, on social media, in print, there is […]

How To Keep From Becoming A Zombie – Episode 461

You’ve seen them out there. In line at the supermarket. In the car beside you on the freeway. Behind the counter at the store.  Looking back at you from the mirror. Zombies!  When you’re a Zombie you’re walking around but you’re essentially walking in your sleep.  You’re dead to anything other than your incessant mind […]

What About The Voice in Your Head?- Episode 460

You have a Voice in your head. You probably know this. If you don’t, you should. You might be thinking: “What voice? What is he talking about? I don’t have a voice. Maybe he has a voice in his head, but I certainly do not have one in mine!” Well, that’s what I’m talking about. […]

Ted in Your Head Interview: Paul Hermelin, Certified EFT Practitioner -Episode 459

In this episode of the Ted in Your Head podcast, Ted interviews Paul J. Hermelin, who is a certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner. Paul teaches people how to manage their stress by “tapping” on select acupoints located on the hands, face and upper body, which send electrical impulses through the nervous system to the […]

10 Reasons Why You Might Benefit from Therapy – Episode 458

Let me tell you right off that I have a great job. I love my job. People come to me with all sorts of challenges including challenges with their families, work, health, and emotions. Through our work together, I get to see them overcome their challenges and gain more confidence, self esteem, emotional strength, adaptability, […]

What Do We do With FEAR? Episode 457

Does FEAR stand for Forget Everything And Run? Maybe a better acronym would be False Evidence Appearing Real because most of our fear is self-created. There are appropriate times for fear, such as the fear of falling or if there is suddenly a loud noise or we find a snake in our path. But most […]

You Have a Lot to Offer, Why Are You Hiding Out? – Episode 456

We all have something to offer our families, jobs and communities. But if we don’t believe this, then we will hide out and not even try. We’ll hide our light under a basket so that no one gets to benefit from it. It’s a tragedy, that so many of us discount our value, invalidate our […]

How to Get Free from the Shackles of Shame – Episode 455

Shame. Say the word out loud and feel its intense power. The root of the word shame is thought to come from an older word meaning to cover, as in covering oneself. When we feel shame, we cover ourselves, literally and figuratively. We want to hide from ourselves and others. The lengths we will go to […]