Tag Archive for: Goals

10 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make a Big Difference


If there is one thing I’ve discovered about creating the kind of life that you want, it’s this: it happens daily. Your daily habits might be the most significant things you do that affect the quality of your life. Here are 10 daily habits to form that are easy to do but will change your life.

  1. Try to make your very first thought of the day a thought of gratitude or a positive thought. You are in hypnosis for the first half hour you are awake. Be careful of what suggestions you put into your mind at that time. You are what you think. (The Strangest Secret)
  2. Drink a full glass of water right after you wake up. Your body has gone 8 hours or more without water. This simple habit can help a lot of problems, such as sluggish digestion.
  3. Create a morning ritual. It might be getting up and going to the gym. It might be meditation, prayer or reading a book. It might be yoga or a morning walk. Find something to do first thing in the morning that sets a positive and healthy tone for the day. Tony Robbins calls it your “Hour of power” or “Thirty to thrive”.
  4. Everyday, ask yourself “What if today was the last day of my life?” Now try to get upset about the drive-through window guy forgetting your packet of hot sauce. Asking this question can put your problems in perspective. Life is short. Get used to the idea that you will not live forever and that each day is precious.
  5. Walk. Especially if you sit in a chair all day. Sitting all day is one of the most unhealthy things you can do, while walking is one of the best things you can do. Get up every hour and walk around for 5 minutes.
  6. Listen to music everyday. Especially while you are driving to and from work. Listening or playing music can have profound benefits for the body and the mind. Forget or limit the news, especially talk radio that makes you angry.
  7. Find some silent time just to be. Could be just 5 minutes, could be 20. Just sit, and clear your mind. Look out a window. It will be tempting to start thinking about things, but try to let your thoughts just flow by. Just be.
  8. Try to learn something everyday. Hear a word whose meaning you don’t know? Look it up. Not clear about why Korea is split in two? Find out. If you see a quote by Bertrand Russel and say “Who’s that?”, check it out. Wikipedia is a great resource for finding stuff out.
  9. Plan the next day the night before. This can be as simple as a list of things to do or as complex as putting tasks or activities into each hourly slot. Schedule in meals, phone calls, reading, breaks, whatever you need to get done that day. Jim Rohn said “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” Create in your mind the night before how you want the next day to be.
  10. When you lay down to sleep, make a conscious decision to “complete the day”. For many, when they put their head on the pillow at night, it’s a signal to their minds to start chattering. But this is the absolute worst time to solve problems, worry or figure stuff out. Instead, say to yourself “This is my time for rest and rejuvenation. I will not let any thoughts, problems or worries interfere with my good night’s sleep.” Then, just focus on your breathing. See how much better you sleep.

To listen to a podcast of this blog, go to http://tedinyourhead.com Episode # 79

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Happy Day!


Do You Know What You Stand For?


Undergrowth with Two Figures, Vincent van Gogh

One summer I went on a river rafting vacation through the Grand Canyon. It was a week long trip rafting on the Colorado River and camping out surrounded by the ancient rock that is the Grand Canyon. You can get your perspective tweaked a little on one of these trips…

When vacation was over, I returned to my job selling used cars at a dealership in Tucson, Arizona. When I arrived for work it was already over 100 degrees. As I looked out over the lot, heat waves shimmered and the sun’s reflection off the top of the cars was literally blinding.

My mind went back to one morning in the canyon when I awoke before dawn. A thin sliver of moon was being kept company by a single star, probably a planet. All was silent save for the sound of the river flowing.

“You’re up Ted”, one of the salesmen said, shaking me out of my day dream. It was my turn to help a prospective car buyer.

I just stood there. “Go get ’em!” the salesman said. I stood looking out over the field of metal and asphalt. “You can have it” I replied. I turned around, went straight to the managers office, and quit. Read more

12 Laws of Life, Part 2


Photo by James AllanHere is Part 2 of the 12 Laws of Life, an article by a man named Tom Hoobyar, who was an inventor and high tech CEO.  Tom Hoobyar died on September 25th, 2001. I really don’t know much about him or his life, but I very much appreciate his wisdom. I hope you do too. To read part 1, click here.

12 Laws of Life (Part 2) by Tom Hoobyar

7. EXPECT LESS FROM OTHERS AND MORE FROM YOURSELF. Most people expect way too much from others while they themselves actually get very little done. Inertia and distraction are insidious and damn near universal — expect it in others but guard against it in your own behavior.

Everyone listens to his or her favorite mental radio station — W.I.I.F.M., which stands for, Read more

Ted A. Moreno on “Amazing Minds” on HMI Web TV

I had the bright idea of sending my book, “The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go of Negativity and Fear and Loving Life” to George Kappas, the director of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the hypnotherapy college I attended. Shortly after, I was invited to be on their web TV show “Amazing Minds.” HMI has streaming video 24/7 on HMI WebTV , if you are ever curious about hypnosis or what’s going on at HMI.


12 Laws of Life, Part I


Recently I came across this article by a man named Tom Hoobyar, who was an inventor and high tech CEO.  It contains some of the wisest words I’ve ever read. Tom Hoobyar died on September 25th, 2001, but his words live on. Take some time to read one of my favorite guest posts.

12 Laws of Life by Tom Hoobyar

1. SELF-MANAGEMENT AND PEOPLE SKILLS ARE THE KEYS TO YOUR SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. This is a MAJOR fact of life. And it took me a long time to get this. If you want to be smarter than me you’ll give this first principle serious consideration. Your skill level in these two areas will determine the quality of your whole life. Every champion and high achiever knows this. These simple skills are the clear difference between winners in life, and losers.

If you learn to manage yourself you can accomplish anything you can dream up. You can deal with negative experiences wisely and you can add skills as you need them. You can become unstoppable. Self management puts you on the launching pad to all the success you desire.

Most people limit themselves by their unwillingness to consider personal change. They won’t learn new things and they won’t change their behaviors even when they discover they’ve been wrong. The funny thing is, self-change is EASY. You are the one person that you can get to anytime you want. You don’t need permission or an appointment, and no one can stop you from learning and changing whenever you decide to. The only obstacle is you! Self-management is actually the first step to building people skills.

Once you commit to changing yourself into who you can be, you will notice the people around you in a different way. Now you see them as fellow beings with their own fears and drives. And they will see you with new respect and attractiveness.

You are surrounded by people who can help or harm you, based on how you treat them. Learning how people work is a skill, just like learning how you work. These people can multiply your efforts and supercharge your success It takes leadership and persuasion skills – people skills.

People skills are like a booster rocket propelling you to your dreams. And the process of succeeding with others can be learned just like you learn to make toast. If you follow directions and practice, you can develop the skills that will make you very happy and prosperous.

2. YOU ARE AT THE CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE. STAY THERE! As a young sailor I learned the hard way that Read more

How I Changed My Life, In Four Lines

HaarFager at en.wikipedia

HaarFager at en.wikipedia


(As a hypnotherapist interested in transformation, one of my favorite bloggers is guest author Leo Babauta. He writes about simplicity, getting things done and how to be happier, among other things. Today’s post is by Leo.)

Changing your life can seem an incredibly tough and complicated thing, especially if you’ve failed a great number of times (like I did), found it too hard, and resigned yourself to not changing.

But I found a way to change.

And I’m not any better than anyone else, not more disciplined, not more motivated. I just learned a few simple principles that changed my life.

I’ve written about them many times, but realized they’re spread out all over the site.

Here is how I changed my life, in a nutshell. Read more

Learn How to Control Your Thoughts with My Self Hypnosis for Success Class.


The most powerful skill you will ever learn is the ability to control your thoughts.

What you think becomes your life. If you think worrisome, fearful thoughts, you will be worried and fearful. Think thoughts of gratitude and success, and you’ll feel grateful and successful.

Do you feel like you are controlled by negative thinking? It’s possible that you learned to think that way, from your parents, early environment, or you could have learned it as a way to cope with failure and disappointment. The good news is, Read more

Check Out This Video by Bob Proctor


I spent all weekend at a workshop and I’m ready to call it a day. So instead of writing something I thought you might enjoy this video by Bob Proctor. You may know Bob  from the hit movie “The Secret”.

For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. In 1960, he was a high-school dropout with a resume of dead-end jobs and a future clouded in debt. One book was placed in his hands – Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich – which planted the seed of hope in Bob’s mind. In just months, and with further support from the works of Earl Nightingale, Bob’s life literally spun on a dime. In a year, he was making more than $100,000 and soon topped the $1 million mark.

Here’s the link to another really great video by Bob.


Let me know what you thought about the videos!

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks.  


 Ted A. Moreno
Personal/Small Business Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist
Specializing in Your Success
 (626) 826-0612

Go Ahead and Ask. I Dare You.


 A Job, A Yacht, and a Very Expensive Car

In 1987 I had a sales job that involved going into people’s homes and trying to sell them stuff. It was a very tough gig. It was the kind of deal where the managers of the business wore flashy jewelry, drove flashier cars and yelled a lot.

I decided that I wanted a Porsche. Now, at this point in my life I was barely able to make my $250 rent, and this sales job was not helping. But I had read some books about goal achievement, so I cut out a picture of a Porsche and hung it on my wall. I even knew enough to write it down, and it went something like this: “I’m driving a Porsche down I-10 listening to a Dire Straits cassette” (One of my favorite bands at the time). Now, please keep in mind that I was in my 20’s, single, naïve, and a bit of a knucklehead.

Somehow, a few months later, I managed to win a sales contest during a period of “feast” in my sales (as opposed to famine). The prize was that the winners would get flown from Phoenix, Arizona, where I lived,  to Huntington Beach, where the owner of the company lived. We would sail with him on his yacht to Catalina Island where we would have a nice dinner then spend the night in a motel. Which we did. The next day, on the yacht while sailing back to the mainland,  the owner of the company and I were talking. “So Ted,” he asked me “What kind of car do you see yourself driving?”
I have no idea why he asked me that question as opposed to “What are your goals?” or “What do you want out of life?”, but I definitely had an answer. “I would like to drive a Porsche!”

So we made a deal. If I agreed to open a franchise in Tucson in the next few months, he would put me in a Porsche today. “Sure!” I replied, of course. He got on his boat phone and made a short call. “What color?” he asked. “Red” I said.

When we arrived at Huntington Harbor, there, sitting on the dock, was a  brand new, 1987 Porsche 930. Seventy five thousand dollars worth of the world’s finest driving machinery, red as the blood that flows through my veins.

The owner of the company handed me the keys, I got in, and immediately drove to my parents house in LA to show off. I asked my dad if he had any music for me to listen to, and he gave me a Dire Straits cassette. I drove back to Phoenix on I-10.

This is a true story. Looking back, what I find  interesting is that I wasn’t  amazed that someone had given me the keys to a Porsche 930 to drive as my own.  It didn’t occur to me that I had manifested what I wanted through the use of visualization. All I did was ask and I got what I asked for.  When I hung the picture of the Porsche on the wall, I wasn’t feeling anxious, or wondering how I was going to get it, or worried that I wouldn’t. I just hung it there, thinking that it was a cool thing to do, visualizing myself driving this car and having fun doing it.

There’s  more to the story. The car was not given to me. The owner (a multi-millionaire) leased it and gave it to me to drive. It was my responsiblity to come up with $1100 each month which included the insurance and the lease payment. That wasn’t easy.

Be Careful of What You Ask For

A few months later, in the parking lot of a pool hall where I was hanging out (a place few respectable Porsche owners would want to go), someone mangled the rear window wiper and kicked off the driver’s motorized side view mirror. I didn’t have the $350 deductible to replace them.

I was living in an apartment complex where I was parking a $75,000 car in the parking lot. One day someone smashed the side window in a failed attempt to steal the car stereo.   About a month later,  I got a flat tire, but I couldn’t afford to replace it so I drove around on the spare donut tire until I finally turned the car back in to the owner, a mere six months after I got it. It was in bad shape and I was glad to be done with it.

The Moral of The Story

What I should have asked for was an income that allowed me to own a Porsche. Instead, I asked to drive one down I-10 listening to a Dire Straits cassette, which I did. I got what I asked for.

Fast forward to this past Monday, January 25th. I’m looking at my hypnotherapy  appointments for the week and things are looking  slow. I’m feeling just bit of anxiety, to be honest with you. I check my email and someone I haven’t talked to in a  long time sends me a link to a Tony Robbins video. ( Yes, I know I mention Robbins a lot, keep reading and you’ll see why.) It’s a really good video where Robbins talks about the use of “incantations”, which are affirmations with lots of emotion. I wrote down verbatim one that he uses, and it goes like this: “The abundance of God’s wealth is circulating in my life. It’s wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs and desires and goals  are met instantaneously  by Infinite Intelligence where I am one with God and God is everything. “

After writing this down and tweaking it a bit to match my personal belief system, I proclaimed my version of this affirmation with all the passion and energy I could muster. I also added, “My passion is helping people. People that I can help are calling me for hypnotherapy appointments.”

Within two hours two people called me to book appointments.  A coincidence? Perhaps, but it didn’t feel like it.

I wondered why are we so afraid to ask for what we want and what we need?

As children we ask incessantely for what we want. Then we grow up, learn how we think the world really works, and stop asking because of disappointment, resignation, cynicism, fear of rejection and dissapointment. We are taught, “If someone offers to give you something you should politely decline.”

What if eveyone started asking, or even demanding, what they wanted, including: an end to poverty and war, quality schools, a working health care system, health, wealth, happiness, love?

Maybe it’s all true: Ask and you will recieve. Knock and the door will be opened. Think and grow rich. What you focus on expands. When you visualize you materialize. The how’s are the domain of the universe. Energy goes where attention flows. You become what you think about.

I think I’m going  back to being naive. I’m going to start to consider the following, not as truths, yet, but as possiblities:

  • I can get what I want /need even though I might not deserve it.
  • I can ask over and over again for what I want / need because I might just get it.
  • I can get what I want / need even if I don’t have the money for it.
  • I might not have to work hard for what I want and need. Maybe I’ll get it just because I asked nicely for it.
  • I can take action to get what I want/need even if I don’t do it perfect.
  • The Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence, whatever you want to call it, wants to help me get what I want and need.
  • Maybe, just maybe, I am the Creative Power in the flesh. Maybe I do have the power to manifest whatever I want quickly, possibly instantaneously and I just don’t know it.
  • Maybe I don’t have to worry. Maybe I just need to ask and believe.  Maybe worry and anxiety is the problem when I perceive that I’m not getting what I want.

It’s not easy to train your mind to have faith in your ability to create what you want when it looks like it’s not going to happen for you. But I’m in training. I’ll let you know how it goes.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks.

P.S Want to hear a podcast of this post? Go to TedinYourHead.com

Ted A. Moreno
Certified Hypnotherapist
Goal Achievement Specialist

Who Do You Have To Be To Get What You Want?

What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage!

In last weeks post (Opening the Door to Success:GOALS) I discussed how to create goals. You take a desire, you turn it into a goal by writing it down using the SMART formula, and you make a plan. That’s what you do. However, there is a much more important part to getting what you want.

In 2003 when I signed on the dotted line to register for hypnotherapy school, a very familiar and habitual thought came into my mind. It went something like this: “Are you really going to do this? You’ve started a lot of things that you have never finished. Are you really going to use this education?”

I have to admit, that was a very scary voice. At that time in my life, I was desperate to find a meaningful and enjoyable career to which I could apply my passion, enthusiasm, time and energy. Becoming a hypnotherapist seemed like what I had been looking for. But the voice was right; I’d had many jobs, started many things that kind of petered out. The idea of going to school, investing time and money, and wasting it all by not following through, well, frankly, it horrified me.

At one point the voice started up with “If this doesn’t work out, maybe you can try…” Suddenly,  in my mind I said “Stop! This is it. I will make it work out. I will not let this opportunity pass me by without giving it my best shot. I refuse to consider that this won’t work for me.”

What I had done was to make a declaration: I was no longer a person that started things and didn’t finish. To get what I wanted, I needed to become a person who followed through. The first thing I did was to book a hypnotherapy appointment for myself to make sure that I continued to become that person.

Maybe you’ve had an experience like that. Where who you were changed because of a decision you made. Let me suggest that it really is that simple. You must make the decision to be the person you need to be to get what you want. It may be uncomfortable, it may be unfamiliar, you may not know what it looks like, etc. But your personality will have to change. I have heard people say, “I’d like to have that (goal) but I’m not that kind of person that can do that, it’s not in my nature….” Bullpoop! You can change your nature. To go from where you are to where you want to be, you must.

Here are some qualities that I believe are essential for anyone that sets goals and intends to achieve them. These are in part taken from one of the best investments I have ever made in personal development, “Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting” by Paul J. Meyer.

  • You must be a person who is goal oriented. You must beleive that it’s important to have goals and to work to achieve them. If you are not willing to become one of these people then stop reading this right now, get yourself some Cheetos or Doritos and go watch television. You must be a person who desires to accomplish something. You must be a person who sets goals regularly. It all starts there.
  • You must be a person who is comfortable with being uncomfortable. What you are doing now is comfortable. If you are not getting what you want, you must do something different. Doing something different will feel uncomfortable. Be OK with that. Realize that there is no change without discomfort. Expect it, and step right into it.
  • You must become a person that learns to overcome inertia and takes action now. Inertia is the tendency for bodies to remain at rest. This can be applied to minds as well. It’s  hard to get off the sofa to go out and jog. But once you are jogging, it’s a lot easier to continue to put on foot in front of the other. That’s because once you start, you have momentum that carries you forward. Inertia affects us all. To get what you want, you must learn to overcome it and take action. Period.
  • You must be courageous. It can be scary to set a goal. It’s risky. You must have the courage to take risks. What if you fail? What if you don’t do it right? What if there are obstacles? Rest assured, there will be obstacles, you can count on it. Be courageous and start anyway and deal with the obstacles when they come.  You might be afraid to face your own weaknesses. You’re not good with people, money, sales, travelling, speaking in public, etc, etc, etc. You can learn.  Having courage doesn’t mean you are not afraid, it means that you move forward in spite of the fear. And everyone has fear. Even you. Yes, you.
  • You must be supremely confident. I almost typed “You must have confidence.” But confidence is not something you have, it’s something you are. You say you are not confident? You can become confident. You can learn. Taking the steps I outlined in the last post to create your goals will give you confidence. Confidence simply means you have developed the belief that you can and will accomplish your goals.
  • You must be determined. By determined I mean you refuse to be stopped, side tracked, or distracted. Have you heard the story of how Sylvester Stallone sold his script for the movie “Rocky”? It truly is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever heard and a testament to dogged determination. Click on this link to hear Tony Robbins tell the tale.
  • You must be a person who can generate energy and motivation. Somedays, you will not feel motivated. Sometimes you will not have the energy. If there is something you need to do, the absolute worst thing you can do is say is “I don’t really feel motivated” or “I don’t have the energy”. Say “Even though I don’t have the motivation or energy, I’m going to do it anyway.” Let’s face it folks, lack of motivation is one thing and one thing only: a bad habit. Lack of energy can be the same thing although there may be dietary or other physical issues that may need to be addressed. If you really want to achieve your goals, you will address them.

The good news is, you don’t have to do it all on your own. Take a self-development course or seminar. Call a therapist or hypnotherapist (preferably me). Read a book. The human mind is one of the most powerful forces on earth. What are you doing with it?

Here’s to looking at you (become who you need to be)!

Want to listen to a podcast of this post? Go to www.TedinYourHead.com

Ted A. Moreno, C.Ht., Goal Achievement Specialist