What’s The Deal with Affirmations?


Many people think that the practice of saying affirmations is kind of a new agey, hokey thing. (Maybe they saw that affirmation guy on Saturday night live …) However, I think they can be very powerful as a technique for programming your mind for achievement of your goals.

I’m no biblical scholar or even an avid reader of the bible, but there are two passages that I think speak to the power of affirmations.

First, in the Old Testament, Moses wants to know God’s name. God says his name is “I AM”.

Second, the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

A definition of God could be “the Creator.”  To me, the message is clear: Word is the creator. And the creator’s name is “I am.”

Even if you don’t believe anything in the Bible, I think we can agree that words, or language, are powerfully creative. We create with our language, not only by what we say, but by what we think, and we think mostly in language.

Both philosophers and shamans agree that our world is created through language. The Buddha said, 2500 years ago:

” We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.”

I use this idea of creative language to help my clients achieve their goals through the use of affirmations. I listen carefully to the language they use to describe their challenges. This gives me a clue as to their belief systems. As a hypnotherapist, my job is to help them create beliefs that help them get what they want. I do this by using the power of suggestion (language) while they are in hypnosis.

But, I also teach them how to use the power of suggestion on themselves.

Remember that language is creative. Well, it’s also hypnotizing. To put a person into hypnosis,  all I need to do is talk to them.

And that’s how beliefs are created. Someone tells you something over and over again when you are highly suggestible (such as when you are a child) and you believe.

This is how television advertising works. While you are in a highly suggestible state (watching television) you receive repetition and reinforcement of the belief that you need a particular product.

You can also talk yourself into a belief. People do it all the time. The only question is: Are those beliefs working for you? If not, you can talk yourself into a new belief.

I think one of the most powerful tools to do this is through the use of affirmations.

Using Affirmations.

Affirmations are declarations that something is true. But how does something become true? We affirm over and over again until we believe it. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t really matter except for how that belief affects us.

I help my clients develop new and empowering beliefs outside of our sessions by having them affirm the new belief over and over again. The key to learning anything is repetition and reinforcement.

What words will they use to affirm their new beliefs? Well, it’ll start with, you guessed it, “I am…”  For example, “I am confident and trust in my ability to achieve my goals.”

They might say “But that’s not true!” But it doesn’t matter, because an affirmation is not meant to be true. It’s a tool to get the subconscious mind familiar with new ways of thinking that’s empowering. If they say it enough times and with a high degree of emotion while in a suggestible state, it will become their new belief, and this will shape their actions.

Why?  Because the subconscious mind (88% percent of your mind by some estimates) will always move you towards what is known and familiar. So I use affirmations to help my clients’ subconscious minds get more comfortable with what they want and less comfortable with what they don’t want.

The technique I give my client is very simple. Come up with three affirmations, say them out loud every morning and night, (times when you are very suggestible) and hand-write them once each.

Have you ever heard someone say “Talk is cheap”? That’s simply not true. The truth is that people cheapen talk by using language that is dis-empowering.

Consider that every day you speak your world into existence and that talk is not cheap but quite valuable. So why not use this simple little technique to begin to speak into existence the world that you want to experience?

If you would like more information about how to use affirmations, just call me or email by clicking here. After all, talking the talk is good, but sooner or later, you gotta walk the walk.

To listen to a podcast of this blog, go to http:www.tedinyourhead.com


Getting it Done:The Basics

Getting it done

Eat the frog first.

Most of us are interested in “getting it done” but a lot of us lack the motivation. With such tremendous demands on our time and attention, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and paralyzed. Looking back at the end of the day,  we wonder, “Where did the day go, and what did I do with it?” I used to be a huge procrastinator, always doing things at the last minute if I did them at all.  Now, I’m all about getting it done. What  I can share with you are some strategies that work for me. While I’m no expert in getting it done strategies, I am getting more done because of the tips I’ll share below.  Some of these are obvious but bear repeating. Of course, many of these I got from the experts.

Simple Tips for Getting it Done

  • Get up earlier I try to get up before 6 so I can do some yoga and maybe read a little before I have to get my kids up, dressed and ready for school. It isn’t always easy, but the payoff is well worth it: I feel energized, I have momentum, and I’ve accomplished something meaningful before 7 a.m.  To do this, I need to be in bed by 10:30.  Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing the last hour to hour and half of my day really a wise use of my time?  Think of what you can get done with an extra hour in the morning, if you got to sleep earlier.
  • Get enough sleep. This is different for everybody. I can get by with 7 hours regularly but not with 6 1/2. You lower your getting it done ability if you are tired.  Lack of energy means lack of motivation. Get the amount of sleep that is right for you.
  • Eat three meals a day. If you are skipping meals and going 5 or 6 hours without eating, you risk low blood sugar episodes.  Your brain is the organ that uses the most blood sugar or glucose, which is your body’s basic fuel. If you are regularly cranky, impatient, irritable, unable to focus or experiencing  energy highs and lows,  take a look at your diet. (Then see a doctor if appropriate.)
  • Take breaks. The mind and body can only be active for so long before they  require a break. You will be more productive if you take regular breaks. Relaxation is as necessary as water and air. Even God took a day off.
  • Have a plan for getting it done. You’ve heard the adage “Nobody plans to fail, they just fail to plan.” Lack of a plan can lead to indecision and the killer time waster of them all, distraction. Get some type of planner and plan your day either last thing at night for the next day or first thing in the morning. Assign what you need to do to specific hours of the day, and include an end times as well.
  • Be prepared. Make sure you have everything you need before you venture out. Assemble necessary media, materials, tools, and have them packed and ready to rock and roll. Fill your gas tank the evening before as opposed to the morning of.
  • Value your time.  During a project, limit incoming phone calls to only the most important/necessary, otherwise ignore the phone.  That’s what voice mail is for. Schedule time to check/send  email. I heard about a study recently that stated that stopping to  check your email means that on the average it will be half an hour before you get back to your scheduled project. Watch out for time vampires, (a major obstacle to getting it done) such as chit chatters  and social media. Set boundaries on interruptions: “I’m not available right now, but we can talk at such and such a time, O.K? (Be careful when saying this to your boss or your spouse)
  • Eat the frog first. The frog is that task or project that you least want to do, or that will be the most difficult. If you save it for the end of the day, you may  procrastinate  it right off your schedule. The whole day you’ll be thinking “Man, I’ve still got to eat that dang frog…” The key is getting it done as soon as possible at the beginning of the day and get it out of the way, freeing up focus and energy.
  • Work on projects simultaneously, rather than sequentially. Most of us don’t have the luxury of spending all or a major part of the day working on one thing. Schedule start and finish times for ongoing projects and be stringent about following these.  You’ll find that chipping away at each one on a daily basis keeps the momentum going, and allows you to be able to see the big picture instead of getting mired down in details.
  • Know thyself. Are you one of those people that can’t speak coherent English until 11 am? Are you ready to curl up under your desk and take a nap at 3 pm? Be aware of your own energy cycles and plan accordingly. I’ve tried balancing my checkbook at 10:30 pm. It doesn’t work. I find myself up until after midnight trying to find that 20 missing dollars that got lost because I was tired and  didn’t check something off, etc. Play to the times of the day when you are the most mentally and physically capable of getting it done.

I hope you found this helpful. If you need support and accountability  in creating motivation for GETTING IT DONE, give me a call or email.

 Ted A. Moreno                                                 
 (626) 826-0612

The Story of The 2 Boxes and Releasing Limitations

releasing limitations

Let me tell you the story of the 2 boxes.

There are 2 boxes that exist in everyone’s life.

The 1st box represents a person’s actual limitations.

For instance, I will probably never play center for the Los Angeles Lakers.


Because I’m not 7 feet tall, and don’t play basketball.


That’s an actual, physical limitation.

And of course, everyone has this box in their lives.

However, there’s a 2nd box that exists in everyone’s lives – and this 2nd box represents a person’s PERCEIVED limitations.

This 2nd box is created by all the doubts, fears, and insecurities a person has.

  • “I can’t ever be relaxed and have fun…I have too much anxiety…”
  • I can’t make a lot of money… I just not greedy enough…smart enough…motivated enough…”
  • “I can’t be in a relationship…too many issues…too much fear…”
  • “I can’t ever be confident enough to speak in public…I’m just too nervous…”
  • “I can’t ever quit smoking…I just don’t have the willpower…”

The sad part?

The 2nd box is usually MUCH smaller than the 1st box!

Meaning, it’s often our own doubts, fears, and insecurities that hold us back from claiming the success we desire so much!

Meaning, you are capable of so much more than you think you are!

Meaning, you can overcome most – if not ALL – of the challenges you come across in whatever it is that you choose to take on.

But most people let their self-imposed 2nd box create an imaginary barrier between them and their success and happiness!

The reality?

This 2nd box usually doesn’t exist!

So the next time you encounter a challenge on your way to doing what you really want to do, have or be, think of the 2 boxes.

Is your challenge created by a real limitation?

Or are you constraining yourself with a self-imposed 2nd box?

Now, there are many tools and resources available to help you begin releasing limitations and vaporize your self-imposed 2nd box.

You just have to be aware of these resources when you come across them.

Releasing Limitations Using the Moreno Method

For example, you can give me a call, and using the Moreno Method for Life Transformation, I can help you start releasing limitations that are holding you back.

I’ll ask you to make a commitment to yourself to take action on your dreams, goals and desires.

Afterwards, I’ll send you home with a recording to listen to that will begin to reprogram your mind for success at whatever you choose to do.

I’ll even call you to check in and provide accountability and coaching.

So if you’ve ever been frustrated that you can’t even get started down the road to doing what you really want to do, whether it’s gaining confidence, getting healthier or making more money, then that reasoning has just become a 2nd box limitation.

I want to help you vaporize that 2nd box so that it never stops you again.

Then you can now simply reach out and claim your success.

Questions? Want to talk about the possibilities that exist for you after releasing limitations? Click here to get in touch with me. Time to get out of that box!

To hear a podcast of this blog, go to TedinYourHead.com episode #71


Want to Learn How to Hypnotize Yourself?



It’s easy to do! (Hint: you spend a certain amount of time each day in hypnosis.) You can learn the ins and outs of self hypnosis by taking my Self Hypnosis for Success Class at Pasadena City College on June 15th, 22nd and 29th. Click here to register!

Did you know that Einstein and Thomas Edison used self hypnosis regularly? Look where it got them! Sir Winston Churchill used hypnosis as well to handle the stress of WWII. (And you think you’ve got problems?)

Celebrities like Ben Affleck, Britney Spears, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher and Charlize Theron have all used hypnosis.

In fact, I guarantee you that anyone at the top of their game, whether in the field of sports, entertainment or business, has used some form of self hypnosis for focus, persistence and determination, goal achievement, creativity, or motivation. They may not have called it that. Other terms used to describe self hypnosis are “getting in the zone”, “psyching yourself up”, “autosuggestion”, “getting pumped up”, “mental rehearsal” and “visualization”. You can use self hypnosis for your own success. The class starts June 15th at 9 am.Click here to register! Read more

10 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make a Big Difference


If there is one thing I’ve discovered about creating the kind of life that you want, it’s this: it happens daily. Your daily habits might be the most significant things you do that affect the quality of your life. Here are 10 daily habits to form that are easy to do but will change your life.

  1. Try to make your very first thought of the day a thought of gratitude or a positive thought. You are in hypnosis for the first half hour you are awake. Be careful of what suggestions you put into your mind at that time. You are what you think. (The Strangest Secret)
  2. Drink a full glass of water right after you wake up. Your body has gone 8 hours or more without water. This simple habit can help a lot of problems, such as sluggish digestion.
  3. Create a morning ritual. It might be getting up and going to the gym. It might be meditation, prayer or reading a book. It might be yoga or a morning walk. Find something to do first thing in the morning that sets a positive and healthy tone for the day. Tony Robbins calls it your “Hour of power” or “Thirty to thrive”.
  4. Everyday, ask yourself “What if today was the last day of my life?” Now try to get upset about the drive-through window guy forgetting your packet of hot sauce. Asking this question can put your problems in perspective. Life is short. Get used to the idea that you will not live forever and that each day is precious.
  5. Walk. Especially if you sit in a chair all day. Sitting all day is one of the most unhealthy things you can do, while walking is one of the best things you can do. Get up every hour and walk around for 5 minutes.
  6. Listen to music everyday. Especially while you are driving to and from work. Listening or playing music can have profound benefits for the body and the mind. Forget or limit the news, especially talk radio that makes you angry.
  7. Find some silent time just to be. Could be just 5 minutes, could be 20. Just sit, and clear your mind. Look out a window. It will be tempting to start thinking about things, but try to let your thoughts just flow by. Just be.
  8. Try to learn something everyday. Hear a word whose meaning you don’t know? Look it up. Not clear about why Korea is split in two? Find out. If you see a quote by Bertrand Russel and say “Who’s that?”, check it out. Wikipedia is a great resource for finding stuff out.
  9. Plan the next day the night before. This can be as simple as a list of things to do or as complex as putting tasks or activities into each hourly slot. Schedule in meals, phone calls, reading, breaks, whatever you need to get done that day. Jim Rohn said “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” Create in your mind the night before how you want the next day to be.
  10. When you lay down to sleep, make a conscious decision to “complete the day”. For many, when they put their head on the pillow at night, it’s a signal to their minds to start chattering. But this is the absolute worst time to solve problems, worry or figure stuff out. Instead, say to yourself “This is my time for rest and rejuvenation. I will not let any thoughts, problems or worries interfere with my good night’s sleep.” Then, just focus on your breathing. See how much better you sleep.

To listen to a podcast of this blog, go to http://tedinyourhead.com Episode # 79

Hope you liked this post! If you did, please share it or comment using the buttons below.

Happy Day!


Scribblings From Close to the Ground: “It’s Supposed to Be Hard.”

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Welcome to another edition of “Scribblings from Close of the Ground”, wisdom from the mouths of babes, namely, Rocky and The Chick, my two daughters.

C: Hi, The Chick here!

R: and I’m Rocky, we’re Ted’s daughters and we know some stuff!

C: We’re both in school now, that means we’re smart.

R:We’re smart little farts!!

C: Rocky!! Remember what Mom and Dad said about saying fart!

R: Oops, sorry…hee hee

C: Rocky is learning about bears in school and I’m learning about reading and math.

R: She doesn’t like math.

C: Sometimes when I don’t understand it, I don’t want to do it anymore.

T: She starts crying! Wahhh! Then Dad has to get up and drink an adult beverage…

C: Rocky!! I just get really mad that I don’t understand it sometimes. But Dad says it’s supposed to be hard.

T: Dad says sometimes you must suffer…

C: But you don’t have to suffer if you understand that it’s supposed to be hard and that’s how we learn. Dad says that if you expect it to be easy…

R: …then you must suffer! Suffer! Hahaha!

C: Chill out Rocky! Dad explained to me that learning something is always uncomfortable and if you’re comfortable, then you’re not learning.

R: Dad says you have to perkiss.

C: It’s “persist” knucklehead!  If you keep trying, you’ll figure it out and then you know it, and it gets easier. The worst thing is to give up because it’s hard, because it has to be hard for a while while you learn.

R: I want it to be easy always.

C: Then you’re the knucklehead because that’s not how it works.  If  you want it to be easy all the time then…

R: (singing operatically) You must suffer! Suffer! Suffer!

C: You have to practice not giving up or whenever it gets hard you’ll quit and be a loser.

R: (puts Loser “L” Fingers against forehead.)  Loser! You must perspist!

C: Anyway, now that I know that it’s supposed to be hard, I don’t get so mad anymore and you know what? I’m doing better at my homework now because I’m not afraid anymore. I know that I can figure it out if I keep on trying. Dad says I have more conference, I think that’s what he says…

R: She does her homework really fast now so she can watch SpongeBob.

C: So the marlo of the story is that if you want to learn anything, it’s going to be hard and that’s ok, don’t give up, you’ll figure it out and don’t be scared just because it’s hard. Have  conference, um, I think it’s confidence…and persist.

R: And don’t want it to be always easy and cry and give up and be a loser because that means…

R and C: You will suffer!! Bye!

Rocky and The Chick

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks.

Video: Success in Business with Hypnosis

I was recently featured again on HMI Web TV (HMI is the college of hypnotherapy that I attended) on the “Amazing Minds” segment. In the video, my client Robb talks about his experience with hypnotherapy and how it helped him move forward in his business venture.

In my opinion, the Amazing Mind is anyone who walks into my office with the courage to face their challenges head-on and invest time and money in their own personal development. Taking this step is indeed worthy of respect, and I feel very fortunate to be inspired by the people that I have the privilege to work with.

I’m very grateful to Robb for sharing his story.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks using the buttons below.

Your companion on the path to transformation,

Ted A. Moreno

Certified Hypnotherapist
Success Performance Coach

Self Hypnosis and the Stars

Celebrities have used hypnosis or self hypnosis for relaxation, career success and to quit smoking. Why not learn this valuable tool for yourself?

You can! Register for the Self Hypnosis for Success Class being offered again at Pasadena City College starting  Saturday, January 24th, and continuing for the next two Saturdays: January 31st and February 7th  from 9 am to 10:30 am. Click here to register!

You can use this valuable tool to:

  • Overcome bad habits such as procrastination
  • Gain confidence
  • Increase motivation
  • Release limiting beliefs
  • Achieve business success
  • Release fear and anxiety
  • And much more!

Reserve your spot by clicking here.

In this class, you will learn:

  • What hypnosis is and isn’t
  • How to do a hypnotic induction on yourself
  • Crafting suggestions to put into your subconscious mind
  • How to put it all together to reprogram your subconscious mind for success in just a few minutes a day
  • Little known, yet powerful tips and techniques for keeping your mind sharp, powerful and positive! (Most of this valuable information I only share with clients paying me $137 a session.)

You’ll receive my Guide to Self Hypnosis and my Self Hypnosis Conditioning CD, which also includes my studio produced “Peaceful Place” relaxation track as an added bonus. In addition, you’ll get handouts at each class containing the material presented. Click here to register.

Here are some comments from the course evaluations I’ve received from previous classes:

  • “Has really motivated me  to improve from day one. Very well organized.”
  • “The whole class was wonderful!”
  • “…so much motivational talk -that was great!
  • “The class is perfect!”

Why do the rich and famous become rich and famous? Well, there are many reasons, but first and foremost, they knew what they wanted, they believed they could get it and they took ACTION. This is called a “success mindset” and you can have it too by using the powerful tool of self hypnosis.

A subconscious mind is a terrible thing to waste! Put it to work for you.  Click here to register for Self Hypnosis for Success.

Mastering Your Inner Game

MM900234752I’d  like to share a great article with you by Dan Kennedy. In my opinion, all success starts with mastering what goes on in your head. As a hypnotherapist, most of my work with students, athletes and business people involve helping them to master their inner game.

Thanks to my friend Craig Valine, Marketing Performance Coach & Strategist of the Los Angeles area Glazer Kennedy Insiders Circle chapter (http://LAAreaGKIC.com), of which I’m a member, for permission to share this article with you today.


By Dan Kennedy 

We’re going to talk about the inner game of building your business. I believe that the inner game is simply all-important. “The inner game” is a new term for a classic idea explained many different times, many different ways by virtually every success educator, and even philosophers.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, Read more

How I Changed My Life, In Four Lines

HaarFager at en.wikipedia

HaarFager at en.wikipedia


(As a hypnotherapist interested in transformation, one of my favorite bloggers is guest author Leo Babauta. He writes about simplicity, getting things done and how to be happier, among other things. Today’s post is by Leo.)

Changing your life can seem an incredibly tough and complicated thing, especially if you’ve failed a great number of times (like I did), found it too hard, and resigned yourself to not changing.

But I found a way to change.

And I’m not any better than anyone else, not more disciplined, not more motivated. I just learned a few simple principles that changed my life.

I’ve written about them many times, but realized they’re spread out all over the site.

Here is how I changed my life, in a nutshell. Read more