The Flash of Light That is My Life

Photo by Skye Moorhead

Photo by Skye Moorhead

Photo by Skye Moorhead



This post was originally published in September 2010. I am now 53, my oldest daughter had completed first grade and my youngest, kindergarten.

I was having a conversation with two colleagues recently about how quickly time passes. One said that he still felt like a kid inside. The other said “We all feel that way, yet, when I think about being 60, I realize that I’m nearer to the end of my life than the beginning.

I figure I’m about halfway, at 50 years old. That was fast.

The day before, my oldest daughter started her second week of kindergarten. It was the first chilly day after temps of 100+ here in So Cal.  I walked through the schoolyard with my daughter and there were sights and sounds I’ve not experienced for many years: children in line, backpacks, classrooms. I still remember my first day of first grade. Has it been 45 years?  My daughter’s in school now, how did that happen so quickly? Is summer over already? Everything is happening so quickly…

I was camping out on Lake Mohave last weekend with my brothers and brother-in-law. The first night on the lake we were treated to an incredible lightning storm. We were surrounded on every inch of the horizon by constant lightning flashes, continuously lighting up the pitch black night. It was incredible; something I’ve seen only a handful of times and only while living in Arizona.

Today, my first day back at work, I drove from my 7 am business meeting to my office, but I didn’t stop; I drove right by. I wasn’t ready to go in there, sit down, and be contained within four walls. I drove aimlessly for a while, listening to Elvis Costello sing “Poor Fractured Atlas.”

I ended up sitting at an outdoor table at a café. I sit there now, the air is cool, and it’s still quiet. The sun shining on me feels good.  There are lots of trees and flowers. There’s a nursery next door, when I’m ready to leave I will walk slowly through it, to be close to the green and living things.

Photo by Skye Moorhead

Photo by Skye Moorhead

Coming back from a few days at the lake is always tough for me. My mind is slow, and I find myself resisting the transition back to “regular”, busy life.  I want another hour to sit, to watch, to think, to feel my life happen. I’m not ready to go back to work yet, just give me another hour. There will always be work to do. And life will continue to fly by. For now, I’m standing outside the stream of my life, where I can drink with intention and clarity.

As if in confirmation, a bell rings at the train station, it’s message: “Train coming, better get on board.” A dragonfly flys by me. The last one I saw was at the lake, two days ago as I sat peacefully looking out over the water and reflecting on my life. It seemed to remind me “Don’t let it go…”

Life is precious and short. To stay on board with your own life you’ve got to pay attention, or you’ll miss what matters, as it goes by quickly. While sitting in your seat on the ride of your life, you’ve got to look out the window and be present to your own life as it passes by; the valleys, the peaks, the plateaus, the darkness, the light.

There is a Japanese folk song I like called Sakura Sakura (Cherry Blossoms). To the Japanese, the fleeting beauty of the cherry blossoms symbolizes the brevity of life and the frailty of existence. Like the life of a man or woman, the petals are brief, colorful, and bright for the short duration of their life before they wither and die.

Life is meaningful, profound, and precious precisely because it will be done too soon, and I find myself very present to that now. I can’t help but ponder the Big Question: Why are we here, just to be gone in a flash?

I think about that lightning storm. Maybe it’s all about the light. It’s said that everything living is light bound into matter. What if the most profound legacy we can leave, in the short flash of a spark that is a person’s life, is the light that we bring to the darkness? Those that we revere through history, whose lives and teachings we honor in church and temple, in music and art, were all bringers of light.  That light gives us hope, guidance and comfort as we continue along on our journey that is this life.

I think the biggest problem that humans face, and the biggest obstacle to peace and happiness is that we are blind to our own light. We fail to see it because we’re not taught to, or shown how. So how can we see the light in others?

If I can be present to this brief and singular burst of color that is my life, if I can know myself as this lightning flash bound into matter, then maybe I can know your light. And if you can’t see it, then maybe I can help you see it. Should I find myself in darkness, maybe you can help me find mine.

After I’m gone, I don’t want my kids to remember me for how hard I worked, how much money I made, or how much respect I got. I want them to remember that I helped them know and honor their own light, because I was in touch with mine. I want to light the way for them.

And so I go back to work, back to the busy, but now with a bit more peace. The reason I’m here is to know my light, and then shine it, wherever, whenever, and however I can, into the pitch black of our own blindness.  May we all light the way for each other.

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 (626) 826-0612
Photos by Skye Moorhead

Five Steps to Finding Your Life’s Purpose (Guaranteed!)


Purpose? Uh, I’m a little busy right now…

There seem to be a lot of people these days looking for their life’s purpose. I googled “How to find your life’s purpose” and came up with 94 million results. I searched a few of the 94 million results and found that most involved writing stuff down, going back to childhood, what brings you joy, etc. When I was looking for my life’s purpose, none of those things helped.

If you are like a lot of people looking through the 94 millions results looking for clues as to how to find their life’s purpose, look no more. Here are five easy steps to finding  your purpose, guaranteed. Now, you must follow these steps exactly to get this right. Read more

Ten Radical Steps for Freeing Yourself from Insane Stress


Do you ever get the feeling like you are being carried along by circumstance, expectations and habit over the stress cliff and into the overwhelm pit?  Have you recently looked around you with the sneaking suspicion that insanity rules the day? Well, desperate times require desperate measures. Here’s 10 radical steps to help you avoid going over the edge even though it seems that everyone around you is. Read more

Thomas Edison Did Self Hypnosis and So Can You

Thomas_Edison2That dour face in the photo above would be Thomas Edison, the most prolific inventor in history, holding 1093 patents in his name just in the U.S.

Thomas Edison used self hypnosis on a regular basis. You can too! Click here to register for Self Hypnosis for Success starting January 24th at Pasadena City College.

It’s said that many ideas for inventions came to him while he was in hypnosis. While he was in self hypnosis, he would hold marbles in his hand. If he went too deep and fell asleep, the marbles would fall on the ground and wake him up. Then he would put himself back into self hypnosis and invent more stuff…

If you are local to the Los Angeles/Pasadena area, there’s still time to register for my Self Hypnosis for Success.

Self Hypnosis for Success begins Saturday, January 24th from 9 am to 10:30 am at Pasadena City College and continues for the next two Saturdays (1/31 and 2/7) . To register, click here.  Learning self hypnosis might not turn you into an inventor but you just might sleep better, be more relaxed, and make more money. Click here to register!

All hypnosis is, is a state of focused concentration and heightened awareness. You are awake and aware. You are also very suggestible, which means you can give yourself suggestions that will go into you subconscious mind and allow you to change your behavior much easier.

Click here to register and you’ll learn

  • How to put yourself into hypnosis.
  • How to use the power of suggestion to get your subconscious mind in alignment with your goals and desires.
  • How to put it all together to create a mindset for success in just a few minutes a day.

Learn to use  self hypnosis to create a new mindset for 

  • Success in business and personal life.
  • Beating procrastination and taking action.
  • Feeling less self-conscious and more relaxed and confident in social and professional situations.
  • Relief from stress, anxiety and fear.

Give your mind the edge it needs to make 2015 your best year yet. You can create a success mindset: Reserve you spot: register for Self Hypnosis for Success starting on January 24th at 9 am at Pasadena City College.


How You Can Make Difference in Any Job


I never really knew what I wanted to do as a kid growing up. I didn’t figure that out until I was in my 4os. Some have called me a late bloomer, others have told me that I had my head up my arse. But there’s one thing I did know: I knew what I didn’t want to do.

I didn’t want to work just to work. Becoming rich just to get stuff was never a goal, nor was becoming famous or powerful. I really only wanted one thing: Read more

Learn to Love the Fool in You

Hotei, god of happiness. Photo by Andrea Schaffer

Hotei, god of happiness. Photo by Andrea Schaffer

Don’t be a fool. You need to Look Good. It’s all about looking good and not looking foolish.

Here in Southern California, looking good is paramount. Not only in how you dress, but what you do, what you say, how you say it, who you hang out with, what you have, and how you have it. It’s gotta look good.

Chances are, especially here in So Cal, most of us don’t even realize the time and effort we put into looking good. God forbid that we come across looking like a fool.

But in fact, we are all fools. Deep down inside us, there is something about us that is potentially embarrassing; even thinking about makes us cringe.

It might be something you did long ago, or last year. Some major screw-up, or failure; some perceived missing of the mark (the meaning of the word sin, by the way). We got our heart broken, got taken advantage of, fell on our face. Perhaps it was something we failed to do. It might be something we do now, that we try to hide with the utmost effort. There are things we want to do, but dare not, for fear of looking like a fool. There is probably more than one that comes to mind.

Think about the incredible energy that goes into looking good in an attempt to hide the fool inside. More importantly, think about what it is costing you. The obsession to look good keeps us from

  • taking risks
  • playing full out
  • being fully self expressed in our words
  • displaying our passion ( you gotta be cool)
  • falling in love and loving
  • displaying our true emotions
  • being authentic

Sometime I meet people that I think are so cool and real and genuine, I want to blurt out “Wow, I just met you but I can tell that you are a totally awesome person and I really like you!” Of course, I don’t, because it wouldn’t look good and I would come across looking childish and foolish, at least to most people. But it’s the fool in me that wants to say it.

The image above is the Fool card from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. It is a young man, standing on a precipice, seemingly oblivious, his head in the clouds. He’s got a rose in one hand and his worldly possessions in the other.

According to Wikipedia:

The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world. The sun shining behind him represents the divine nature of the Fool’s wisdom and exuberance, holy madness or ‘crazy wisdom‘.

 We are all on the Fool’s Journey, and it is our “holy madness’ that makes us do things we may consider foolish or unreasonable in the name of love, hope, inspiration, creativity and idealism. Our looking good is what stands in the way of our bliss, found in the unrestrained desire to experience this fleeting life. The inner workings of the world, the mysterious forces that moves us to inexplicable action,  do not follow a protocol, rules, social mores or conventional behavior. They flow through us and from us, like Yoda’s Force, and allow us to tap into the power of our own divine nature.

How do we come to love the fool inside? What can we do to integrate our desire for acceptance with our sometimes foolish nature?

  • Forgive your fool. Cut it some slack. Are there good things that came out of your foolish behavior? Wisdom, at the very least?
  • Be aware of the pervasive desire to look good at all costs. Just open your eyes to see it on a daily basis. Then be ok with it: it’s the design of human being.
  • Let your fool out to play. It might be trying your hand at karaoke, telling a silly joke, revealing a vulnerability or expressing a long held feeling or emotion. Take a risk.
  • Make a distinction between being child like and childish. The Fool revels in child like abandon and wonder, in marveling at the awesome mystery of the world.
  • Everybody plays the fool sometime. There’s no exception to the rule. Get over it and accept this essential part of you.

Bless the fool within you, without it you are less human, a robot following the programming that seeks to control you. It’s there for a reason; be confident enough, courageous enough, and big enough to celebrate it.

To listen to a podcast of this blog, go to the Ted in Your Head podcast, episode 31.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks using the buttons below. Don’t worry about looking foolish.


Ted’s Book Now Available on Kindle!


My book “The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go of Negativity and Fear and Loving Life” is now available in Kindle format from! Click here or on the image to order or to take a look inside to preview.  I’ve actually got three five star reviews.

Also, don’t forget, my Self Hypnosis for Success class starts this Saturday (June 30th) from 9 am to 10:30 and continues for the next two Saturdays (July 7th and 14th). You can read about it by clicking here, or why not just register by clicking here?

A subconscious mind is a terrible thing to waste, why not put it to work for you? Hope to see you there.


What You Need When You Don’t Know What to Do


If read many articles or blogs in print or online, you may have noticed many  that start with “10 easy ways to…” or “43 things you should…” or “3 step formula for…”

Why are there so many articles and blogs that start this way?  Because readers respond to them.

They respond because we are all looking for those x number of steps, for the magic formula, for the specific directions that will tell us how to get what we want. We read self help books, go to seminars, subscribe to the magazines and follow the gurus or religious traditions hoping we will get the road map to peace, happiness, success, or fulfillment.  Of course, there are a lot of people willing to tell you that they have the secret you are searching for. Read more

26 Things To Start Doing Today!

A while ago I posted 43 Things to Stop Doing Now!  Here are some things that you can start doing today that might make a difference in your life. Print them out and hang them up and see how many you can check off.
  1. Talk to strangers. Are you afraid of strangers? Guess what? They’re afraid of you too. That’s why people fail to connect. Just try saying “Hi” or “Good Day”.
  2. Smile. Try this: put a big smile on your face and try to feel depressed. What you do with your body will affect how you feel. No need to be such a sourpuss!
  3. Pick something in the natural world to follow.  Try to keep track of the phases of the moon. Or always be aware of what’s going on with the tree across from your house. Be aware of the solstices, equinoxes.
  4. Walk outside. Doesn’t matter what time. Or how long. Just do it.
  5. Create something. Try writing a song or a short story. Draw something. Cook something you’ve never cooked before. Get that right brain activated.
  6. Write a letter or send a card. It’s a dying art, writing something, putting it into an envelope and sending it. There’s probably someone you should be writing to.
  7. Grow something. Preferable something legal. Plant a tree or a bush or some flowers or some seeds. Stick a couple of toothpicks in an avocado pit and suspend it in water. Nurture it.
  8. Read a book. Emily Dickinson said “There is no frigate like a book.”
  9. Listen to music you are not familiar with. Try listening to something by Bach, Beethoven or Mozart. Try bluegrass. How about jazz? Expand your mind.
  10. Sit and do nothing. Don’t read, don’t listen to the radio, don’t watch tv. Just sit quietly and see how your mind resists being still. Then sit some more.
  11. Stretch for 10 minutes every morning.
  12. Pull out some some favorite photos and put the on the fridge. Change them weekly.
  13. Say something nice to yourself every day. “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.”
  14. Say something nice to someone else every day.
  15. Listen more than you talk. You know, the two ears and one mouth thing…
  16. Donate some money every month. Even if it’s just 5 bucks.
  17. Pencil into your planner today that thing you’ve been meaning to do. Recapture the mental energy from that thing.
  18. Get a daily planner. Every night, create the next day.
  19. Drink more water.
  20. Be grateful. Everyday. Say at least once a day “I’m so grateful for___”
  21. Set 3 goals for the next 30 days. One that is easy, one that will require more time and effort, and one that will really stretch you. Be sure to write them down.
  22. Become an expert in something. Maybe it’s trains, or cactus, or The Beatles or Mexican Literature. Learn everything you can about it.
  23. Give something valuable away to someone that you know would like it. Practice freedom from attachment.
  24. Connect with the transcendent within you. It takes practice.
  25. Declare yourself OK with being alive. Say out loud everyday: “I’m glad I’m alive even though ____(fill in blank).
  26. Decide to be happy. Now. Tomorrow. Everyday. It’s possible. It takes practice. Just make the choice.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks.  

Your companion on the journey to transformation,

Ted A. Moreno

Personal/Small Business Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist



12 Laws of Life, Part 2


Photo by James AllanHere is Part 2 of the 12 Laws of Life, an article by a man named Tom Hoobyar, who was an inventor and high tech CEO.  Tom Hoobyar died on September 25th, 2001. I really don’t know much about him or his life, but I very much appreciate his wisdom. I hope you do too. To read part 1, click here.

12 Laws of Life (Part 2) by Tom Hoobyar

7. EXPECT LESS FROM OTHERS AND MORE FROM YOURSELF. Most people expect way too much from others while they themselves actually get very little done. Inertia and distraction are insidious and damn near universal — expect it in others but guard against it in your own behavior.

Everyone listens to his or her favorite mental radio station — W.I.I.F.M., which stands for, Read more