Ted A. Moreno
Ted A. Moreno is a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Success Performance Coach. Hypnotherapists provide treatment for vocational and avocational self-improvement and are not licensed by the state as healing arts practitioners.
1910 Huntington Drive,
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
You’ve Got It Backwards! It’s BE, DO, HAVE.
/by Ted MorenoHave you ever heard anybody say “If only I can have this (car, house, relationship, etc…), then I’ll do what I want to do, and then I’ll be (happy, successful, fulfilled etc.)”. Sadly, it seems that all too often people get stuck in “If only…” That’s because it’s not the having or doing that matters. It’s the Being. Got it? Question: Who are […]
The Elements of Change
/by Ted Moreno(This weeks post is written by Leo Babauta from his blog Zen Habits.) Change can be a difficult thing. Most people want to change their lives, in some way, but find it difficult to either get started or to sustain the change for very long. I’m happy to report that after years of studying it, […]
Feeling Alive
/by Ted MorenoEver get the feeling that all you do is work and be responsible? Do the days seem to run into each other because the same thing happens day in and day out? Do you feel “stuck”? Henry David Thoreau said “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song […]
How To Have Lots of Energy
/by Ted MorenoI’ll never forget the time that I found instant energy. For a while I’d been trying to find the energy to get started on all the things I wanted to do. I’d be sitting in front of the television thinking “If only I could find the energy to get off this couch, my life would be a lot better.” I felt depressed and unmotivated. One day while […]
Ted’s Tips for Transformation Will Now Be Delivered via Email on Wednesdays.
/by Ted MorenoPeople tell me Mondays are too busy to read it so I’m changing email delivery to Wednesday. If you catch my blog on Twitter or Facebook you’ll probably get a preview before then.
Another Chance for “Self Hypnosis for Success” Class at Pasadena City College
/by Ted MorenoPasadena City College will be offering my Self Hypnosis for Success class again for three Saturdays starting June 5, 2010, and continuing on June 12th and 19th from 9 to 10:30 a.m. I’m not sure if I will hold this class again at PCC. So if you’re interested, act now! Go to this link Hypnosis For […]
Don’t Let Them In! Five Steps for Keeping the Mental Mischief Makers Away.
/by Ted MorenoI hate to admit this to you, but when I was younger and much more foolish, I used to open my door to some pretty unsavory characters. They weren’t even very likable, I just got comfortable having them around. They were familiar and I knew what to expect from them. I didn’t realize until much later how much […]
Please Look Into My Eyes….
/by Ted MorenoA number of years ago I did a self-development seminar called the Landmark Forum. It was a life changing experience for me but it’s not for everyone. One of the exercises we did during the seminar was to stand across from another person and look into their eyes for five minutes without saying anything. When […]
Might Be The Hardest Thing You’ll Ever Learn
/by Ted Moreno[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHMS-db9s0M] Chris Whitley, one of my favorite musical artists, does a cover of an old standard that I really like. The name of the song is “Nature Boy”. (The video above is his version set to images of our soldiers serving overseas. It’s quite moving.) The last line of the song goes like this: “The greatest […]
Life is Hard but That Doesn’t Mean That You Suck.
/by Ted MorenoOne day many years ago, I was packing up my clothes to move out of a house that I had been renting with a girlfriend. We were breaking up and I was deeply depressed. This scenario had happened all too often in my life, another failed relationship. The effort it took to pack up my stuff felt crushing and […]