Ted’s Blog

My Self Hypnosis Class offered at PCC

I’ll be teaching “Self Hypnosis for Success” at Pasadena City College through the Extended Learning program. It starts on January 23rd and continues for the next two Saturdays. In this course, you will learn how to use self hypnosis for a variety of concerns including weight loss, smoking cessation, confidence building, anxiety lessening, public speaking, goal achievement and motivation. Anyone […]

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

I hope you’re having a wonderful Holiday Season so far. Mine has been busy, busy, busy. I’m going to give myself a little break this week. Here’s wishing you a very Happy  and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for reading my newsletter. Tune in next week for the “Key to Sucess”…..when we  talk again in 2010.

What Lies Dormant Within You?

When I was living in Arizona, I tried to make it a point to come to Los Angeles every year at the holidays to see my family for three or four days. I’d stay at my parent’s house; the house in which I grew up. During the day, both my folks would be at work, and […]

For The First Five New Clients of 2010..

For the first five new clients of 2010 I will give a free session after two paid sessions. For Smoking cessation packages I’ll give you $75 off. Two requirements: first, you must mention this blog. Second, you must come in with three goals written down on a piece of paper. If you are thinking about […]

How to Keep from Catching the “Mind Flu”

When I was 12 years old I read “War of the Worlds” by HG Wells. The book was really scary and the image of giant alien tripods  stayed with me for a long time. When I saw the most recent movie version though, something else stuck with me that I didn’t remember from the book.  (Beware: Movie Spoiler!) The […]

Good Grief! The Holiday Blues

When I was in 6th grade I was chosen to play Charlie Brown in my school’s production of  “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.  Unless you are from another planet, then you know that Charlie Brown is the lovable loser of the famous comic strip “Peanuts”. In a Charlie Brown Christmas, Charlie Brown finds himself depressed with […]

I’m Grateful I’m Not A Turkey

  Here’s my gratitude list for 2009. I’m grateful: that my nose is not any bigger than it is. that I’ve never lived in Minnesota. that I don’t have a dog. that I’ve been to Texas and got out safely. that I saw that cop on Gladstone Avenue before he saw me. that I live with […]

Someone to Believe in You When You Don’t

Instead of  learning to be cool with the girls, I made the incredibly boneheaded move of joining the cross-country team my freshmen year in high school. I ran more miles in high school than most people walk in a lifetime, or at least that’s what it felt like. Upon joining  the team, I was told that the coach was […]

What is Lost, What is Gained?

 I was checking out You Tube  one evening last week, watching Joni Mitchell play “A Case Of You”.  A song of incredible sadness and vulnerability, it speaks of lost love and the pain of letting go. The raw honesty and the craftsmanship of the song’s album, “Blue“, made it a commercial and critical success and helped establish Mitchell as one […]

A New Look, A New Name

You may have noticed that  I’ve changed the name of my newsletter and blog to “Ted’s Tips For Transformation.” A little more interesting than “Ted’s Hypnotherapy Blog.” Besides, it’s not all about hypnotherapy, but it is all about transformation. I adopted a new look for the  email newsletter, just to change things up a bit. If […]