Ted’s Blog

Self Hypnosis and the Stars

Celebrities have used hypnosis or self hypnosis for relaxation, career success and to quit smoking. Why not learn this valuable tool for yourself? You can! Register for the Self Hypnosis for Success Class being offered again at Pasadena City College starting  Saturday, January 24th, and continuing for the next two Saturdays: January 31st and February 7th  from 9 am to 10:30 […]

Introducing Ted’s First Book “The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go of Negativity and Fear and Loving Life”

Yes it’s true; after a year of writing, revising, editing, periods of major procrastination and ordering proof after proof, I have actually published a book: The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go of Negativity and Fear and Loving Life (What I Learned on My Journey from Hater to Appreciator). The book is a collection of posts from my […]

Mastering Your Inner Game

I’d  like to share a great article with you by Dan Kennedy. In my opinion, all success starts with mastering what goes on in your head. As a hypnotherapist, most of my work with students, athletes and business people involve helping them to master their inner game. Thanks to my friend Craig Valine, Marketing Performance Coach & […]

Radio Interview with Ted: Secrets To Effective And Powerful Leadership: Become A Student Of Human Motivation

Greeting and welcome to 2012! January started off with a bang, the phone started ringing and hasn’t stopped. In addition to having a full roster at both of my locations, I’ve been doing a lot of hypnotherapy phone sessions and recently had my first international hypnotherapy phone session with someone from Canada. So, forgive me […]

7 Things to Do to Have a More Peaceful Holiday Season.

I find it ironic that that during the holiday season the word peace is often used, but for many of us, this is the most hectic and stressful time of year.  In addition to life becoming very busy with shopping, parties, and events, it is also a time when emotions can be close to the […]

Great Words for the End of the Year

The words “go placidly amid the noise and haste” have been in my head recently. I googled them and discovered they are from a poem called the Desiderata (Latin: “desired things”) by Max Ehrmann. I was surprised to read on Wikipedia that when Adlai Stevenson died in 1965, this poem was found by his bedside, and that […]

How to Memorize and Present in Public Powerfully and Effectively.

At some point most people will be asked to speak in public, whether it’s a wedding toast, funeral eulogy, or for business. Then there are those of us who actively seek out opportunities to speak for the purpose of communicating a message that we feel needs to be heard or that is necessary for our livelihood. As a […]

I’m Grateful I’m Not A Turkey, 2011

Here’s my gratitude list for 2011, you can click here if you’re interested in reading my 2009 list. I’m grateful: that my feet aren’t any bigger than they are. (Give me a break, I’m just getting warmed up here…) that my wife is a good cook. that in spite of that I still look kind […]

Can Someone Be Hypnotized Over the Phone?

Have you ever had the experience of falling asleep while being on the phone? Maybe  with someone who has a monotonous voice? If so, then you’ve experienced phone hypnosis! Hypnosis is a state we all go into on a daily basis. When you’re getting hypnosis for hypnotherapy, you’re awake, aware and you hear everything that’s being said. You don’t have to be […]

How to Be Peaceful

Peace. In the media you will hear that word almost daily. Peace talks. Peace in the Middle East. The peace process. Peace activists. Nobel Peace Prize. Peace of mind. Peace and quiet. Most people want and strive for peace. Yet, peace seems in  short supply these days. Why is peace so rare in our lives, as […]