Ted’s Blog

The Right Question Is Better Than the Answer

“Judge a man by his questions, rather than his answers.” ~Voltaire Sometimes the right question is more important than the answer. When we ask a question, especially to ourselves,  we expect an answer. We all want answers. But sometimes, asking the right question is more important than getting an answer. Questions often contain beliefs. So […]

Personal Power: How to Increase Your Ability to Affect the Universe

[leadplayer_vid id=”53B493A04EE3B”] “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself, Therefore all progress is made by the unreasonable man.” ~George Bernard Shaw Personal Power is your ability to take action. It is the use of your life force to affect the universe in a way […]

10 Strategies to Avoid Failure

How to Avoid Failure:   Never try. If there is even a chance of failure, don’t even attempt it. Play it safe to avoid failure. If you can’t win them all why win any? Play small. To avoid failure, don’t go for anything audacious or exceptional. Stay average. Don’t stand out. Don’t call attention to yourself. Stay […]

Super Productivity Top 10 Tips

Super Productivity is productivity that not only allows you to get stuff done but to feel super about it. I have an aversion to pain and suffering.If it is Painful Productivity I don’t want any part of it. I was reading a blog post that featured some productivity wisdom by Tim Ferris, author of the international […]

Weight Loss is Seldom About Weight

Of all the things I help people with in my hypnotherapy practice, it seems that weight loss is the most difficult.  I don’t really advertise it. When someone calls me for weight loss, I tell them that it is going to be a minimum of eight sessions.  I want to make sure they are serious. Because […]

Self Hypnosis Class Starting June 14: Master Your Mind

Why is permanent change so hard? The answer is because only 12% of your mind (conscious) wants to change.  Your subconscious mind, which is 88% of your mind, wants to stay the same. What your subconscious mind wants is based on your childhood conditioning, past experiences and beliefs. You have the ability to change your […]

Do You Have Scarcity Consciousness?

I’m researching  how to counteract “scarcity consciousness” and create a mindset for wealth and abundance.  I’m interested in your relationship with money and how you feel and think about it. So I’ve put together a short 10 question survey. I wonder if you would take a few minutes to take the survey if you haven’t already. […]

Meditation: Is it for You?

“Meditation is a lifelong gift. It’s something you can call on at any time. I think it’s a great thing.” ~Paul McCartney “At the end of the day, I can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. With meditation, I can keep them as molehills.“~Ringo Starr. If you are old enough, […]

Quit Smoking: Tips, Tools and Tricks

  I read a funny quit smoking joke by Conan O’Brian: “The CDC says that it’s graphic anti-smoking TV ads have have helped over 200,00 people to quit. Not quit smoking, quit watching television.” But if you are a smoker, and want to quit smoking, you know that quitting smoking is no joke. It can be […]

Exploring the Music of Your Life

I just finished an online course exploring the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas. ( I was a music major in college.) Before the course started, I purchased a collection of all the sonatas and started listening to them. I enjoyed them because I like classical piano music. But they all sounded the same to me. Each one […]