13 Lucky Ways to Stay Sane in a Wacky World


“I’m not insane, I’m just resting…”

I don’t know about you folks, but things are looking pretty nutty out there, at least from my perspective. It seems difficult to make sense of the rapid pace of change occuring these days. Many people are challenged on many fronts: financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Things are happening fast and change is coming quick. Your cable news channel says it all, if you believe what they say is true.

It’s hard not to fall prey to anxiety, fear, and overwhelm. It can often feel like you’re being swept up by the crazy broom.  And that’s not good for your mental health.

How do you keep your head about you when it seems everyone else is losing theirs?Here’s a little guidance to staying sane in a mad, mad, mad world.

  1. Take care of your physical health. It’s pretty much the basis of everything. Eating right, exercise, getting enough sleep, we forget that these are the essentials. The shape you are in will affect your brain chemistry, for better or worse. I know, you’ve heard it all before, but it bears repeating, constantly.
  2. Learn to quiet your mind. The mind, like the body, needs periods of rest. Your mind’s job is to think, but you are much more than your mind. Learn how to turn if off. Practice being  present to your life. If your thoughts are always in the future, or in the past, your life will pass you by and on your death bed you will ask “Where did it all go?” It was there all along, you just never noticed.
  3. Spend time outside. We are the stuff of stars, literally, and we are intimately connected with nature and the cosmos. Lose that connection and you lose an essential part of yourself. Unfortunately, most people have lost it and don’t even know it’s missing but feel the loss nevertheless. Keep in mind that as a modern culture, a lifestyle spent mostly indoors constitutes a very short period of human history.
  4. Deal with what’s real. Nothing creates insanity quicker than wanting what is to be different than what it is. There needs to be some acceptance. If you can change it, do so. If you can’t, well, deal with it.  Hating on the traffic, the weather, or how stupid people can be is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It drives you crazy and just annoys the pig.
  5. Don’t compare yourself with others. Compare and despair. My wife and I stayed at a couple’s beautifully decorated house a few months ago. We envied the custom wood floors, stylish furniture and nice cars. We recently found out they’re getting a divorce, he changed the locks while she was out of town. I don’t envy them anymore. You have your path, and for the most part, you chose it. Honor it and bless whatever good is there.  You simply don’t know what’s up with others or what challenges they have in spite of how good they look. For all you may know, they envy you.
  6. Evaluate what is working in your life and what is not. Take a step back once in a while and check in with yourself, do a little self reflection. Are you heading in the direction you want to go? Is what you’re doing or involved in worth the time and trouble invested? Are you happy doing it? We’ve all heard the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If it’s not working, change your approach, or throw it out and cut your losses. This is your precious life, man.
  7. Keep moving forward. Don’t let yourself get mired in the past. Let it go. Remain hopeful that your life will get better, that you can make it better. Release regret and resentment. Forgive yourself and others. Keep learning and expanding your horizons so that you continue to grow. Come up with a firm description of the self you most want to be and keep working towards it. It’s never too late to make a better you.
  8. Develop and nurture personal relationships. No man is an island. We are social animals. Community and interaction with others is a basic human need. Share your travails with others and let them support you so you can do the same for them. Isolation breeds brain rats that will chew on your humanity. Open the door and let people in.
  9. Keep money in the proper perspective. Money does grow on trees; money is trees, isn’t it? Money is green paper. It’s not the most important thing, but it is important as a representation of value in our culture. Don’t let the value of your money be a substitute for your own value. Don’t use money as a way to soothe yourself, that’s a great way to get deep into debt, which some studies have linked to mental illness. Work on your relationship with money as well as your financial literacy. Remember, money can’t buy happiness, it can only rent it for a while until the landlord wants you out.
  10. Learn to love yourself. You don’t need reasons, but find some anyway. Might be the hardest thing you’ll ever learn. Learn it anyway. Be good to yourself, be your own best friend. All you need is love, and if you have it for yourself, you can give away a never ending supply.
  11. Find meaning for your existence. Who are you, aside from your “life situation”? Where did you come from? Why are you here? You create what your life means. Make it mean something really awesome. Why not? It’s all invented anyway. Find a philosophy or belief system that works for you. It may not be the truth, but it’s a powerful place to stand.
  12. Learn to give. Stop thinking so much about yourself and your problems. At my most down and out, no money in my pocket and no prospects for any, I still had more than 75% of the world’s population. Donate time, money or resources to those who can use it. I have a soft spot for any charity that supports children. What or who calls to you?
  13. Ask for help. Nobody does it alone. You are no exception. It’s possible to get in so deep that you can’t see the forest through the trees. Get a guide. Give someone the chance to contribute to you. Be humble. Trying to do it alone is just, you know, crazy.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks.  

Your companion on the journey to transformation,


Ted A. Moreno 
Personal/Small Business Coach 
Certified Hypnotherapist

FEEL FREE TO — USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG. Just let me know that you are, and include the following with it:

Ted A. Moreno is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Success Performance Coach. Ted empowers his clients to transform their lives by helping them reach their goals of success, abundance, personal development, health and happiness. To learn more, visit www.TedMoreno.com/blog

25 Wonderful Things To Do First Thing in the Morning

First thing in the morning

I believe that what you do first thing in the morning will determine how the rest of the day goes.  For the first half hour after you wake up, you’re are in a state of hypnosis, so what you do gets impressed upon your mind and has an effect on your day.

Here’s some ideas for starting your day in a powerful way. Pick one or two that you think will work for you and try them out. You won’t believe the difference it makes when you choose what you’re going to do first thing in the morning.

  1. Get up earlier. Getting up earlier gives you more day and  more peace and quiet. You also give yourself  more time to do some of the things you want to do. Start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier. Then, drink a big glass of water.
  2. Have a daily ritual that creates awareness, peace and serenity. NOT watching/ listening to the news, reading the paper or Facebook. Pick a few things from this list and put them together to create your own ritual that you do first thing in the morning.
  3. Make your first thought of the day a positive thought. The night before, write down the positive thought that you want to have as the first thought of the day. “It’s going to be a good day!” or “Glad I’m alive!” or maybe a gratitude list. I have a list of affirmations that I read to focus my mind on what I want to create.
  4. Create your day. I got this from Dr. Joe Dispenza who was in the film “What The Bleep Do We Know!? Create your day first thing in the morning or the night before by imagining how you want your day to be. Say to yourself: “Today I will experience inspiration (or relaxation fun, etc.).  Today I will attract things that  inspire me. When they happen I will know that I created it.”  Believe you can affect the universe.
  5. Read and visualize your goals. Your mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is vividly imagined. The mind likes and moves toward what is known. Get your mind comfortable with your goals first thing in the morning by closing your eyes and seeing yourself doing what you want to do, having what you want to have and being who you want to be.
  6. Pray or meditate. Get in touch with the Infinite, whatever you consider that to be. It could be as simple as sitting in a chair and breathing, or in a lotus position or on your knees. Use a candle, beads, rosary,  incense or chanting. Take time to inquire within.
  7. Go outside. Let the sun shine it’s rays upon you. Breathe in the fresh morning air. Walk barefoot through the grass. Drink your coffee,  and eat your breakfast outside. If you do yoga in the living room floor, do it outside.
  8. Do something in the garden. Water, weed, plant or harvest. Pick a tomato or a bunch of flowers for a vase. Or just sit there in amazement and wonder.
  9. Do yoga or stretch. A flexible body means a flexible mind. You don’t want hardening of the attitudes. Stretching releases tension and toxins, and gets you in touch with your body.
  10. Read something inspiring. Religious books, your favorite inspirational authors, self help books, or a short quote to ponder for the day.
  11. Listen to music. Music stimulates the brain and awakens the emotions. Whatever makes you feel good, listen to it first thing in the morning.
  12. Write in your journal. Keep it positive. What have you learned recently? What is good in your life? Write a Gratitude list. Or, just quiet your mind and let it tell you what to write.
  13. Take a walk. Greet the world as it awakes while moving your body. Breathe deeply. Walk to Starbucks to get you out the door. Walk to someplace beautiful if possible. Walk the dog.
  14. Ride a bike. There’s something about riding a bike that is freeing and joyful. Maybe ’cause you did it as a kid.
  15. Get some exercise. Exercising first thing in the morning jump starts your metabolism, giving you a sense of relaxed energy. It could be walking, lifting weights, Pilates, going to the gym, push ups and/or pull ups. Make it work for you. I’ll repeat that: Make it work for you.
  16. Look at beautiful images. Fill your mind with beauty. Perhaps you have photos, or a great garden, or a picture book with incredible images. Give yourself a few minutes to take in the good stuff.
  17. Do the magic that you do. If you are a writer, write. If you are a painter, paint. If you are a musician, make music. If you’re a singer, sing. If you are a dancer, dance. If you are a photographer…
  18. Write a letter to someone you haven’t contacted for a while. Just say hi.
  19. Call someone you’ve been meaning to call or haven’t talked to in a while. “Hi, I know it’s first thing in the morning, and you’re probably getting ready for (work, school) but I just wanted to say that I really (miss you, love you, am thinking about you, remembering the good times, want to apologize, etc.) That’s all! Bye!”
  20. Treat yourself to breakfast. If you usually fix your own stuff, go out and eat, connect with the world.
  21. Fix your own breakfast. If you usually go out, then nurture yourself by feeding your own sweet self.
  22. Make a donation.Write a check or go online. Make your first act of the day one of generosity.
  23. Get in bed with your kids and smooch on them. I do this every morning.
  24. Wear something that’s comfortable that makes you feel good. Get it ready the night before ( ironing it or washing it).
  25. Call in well. Instead of calling in sick, call in well. Say  “Hi, I’m feeling too good to go to work today. Think I”ll hang out in the Rose Garden at the Huntington instead. See you tomorrow.” Or call in sick for a mental health day. Take the day off, you deserve it!

Step out of the insanity of the daily grind by getting in touch with what is true and meaningful on a daily basis. Making a “first thing in the morning habit” out of just of few of these things can change your life.

If you need help getting up earlier, or with a better attitude,  contact me and let’s talk about what we can do to help you start your day in a better way.  

Ted A. Moreno

FEEL FREE TO — USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG. Just let me know, and include the following:
Ted A. Moreno is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Success Performance Coach. Ted helps his clients transform their lives by and reach their goals of success, abundance, personal development, health and happiness. To learn more, visit www.TedMoreno.com/blog

The Ultimate Freedom: Choosing Your Thoughts


When I was 11 years old I watched a TV movie that made a profound impression on me. I’ll never forget sitting down with my family in 1971 to watch the ABC Movie of the Week,  The Birdmen.

The Birdmen is based on the true story of British officers captured by Germany during World War II and imprisoned in the infamous Read more

Choose: What It Is, What It Ain’t


Today’s post is by guest author James Gabriel. James is a fellow participant in a seminar I am taking called “Living Passionately”.


Choice begins before dawn’s crack for some and right at for others, and I choose mine to be long after that. There are times when I must wake in the morning darkness and head off to the institution that is my job, because another person has set me to do so and though this is arduous and somewhat painful I choose it. Read more

Please Don’t Rip Me Off


You wouldn’t steal from someone, would you? Would you rip someone off by breaking into their house and stealing their stuff? If you’re reading this, probably not.  Consider, however that there is more than one way to “rip someone off”. I heard something recently that made me realize this. Read more

The Rose

Rose - 'Bibi Mazioon' White to Pink

Todays post is by Jim Rohn. In “The Rose” Jim talks about creating magic with those around you with your own personal style, which has less to do with money than with imagination and care.

The Rose by Jim Rohn

Lifestyle is style over amount. And style is an art—the art of living. You can’t buy style with money. You can’t buy good taste with money. You can only buy more with money. Lifestyle is culture—the appreciation of good music, dance, art, sculpture, literature, plays and the art of living well. It’s a taste for the fine, the unique, the beautiful.

Lifestyle also means Read more

What You Know Won’t Help You.


Imagine:  You’re an extraterrestrial explorer speeding though an unknown galaxy. Your spacecraft malfunctions: you’re forced to make an emergency landing on a little blue planet. You survive the landing with a crippled craft. You’re stranded. You call the Galactic AAA. It’ll be awhile before they get there, so you begin to explore.

You step out of your craft, and the first thing you see is a shiny, metallic object. Read more

Maybe Everything That Dies, Someday Comes Back.


I remember the day I got sent home from a job for being a lousy salesperson. It was 1986 and I had a sales job in Phoenix. I was general manager of the business and I was doing pretty good, although I was working  7 days a week, 12 to 13 hours a day.

I went into a sales slump. All of a sudden Read more

Are You A DIY? Attend my Self Hypnosis Class Starting 10/23 at PCC


If you are a DIY (Do It Yourselfer) then you might be interested in taking my Self Hypnosis for Success Class at PCC starting October 23rd and continuing for the next three Saturdays: October 30th and November 6th from 9 am to 10:30 am. Click here to register!

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, so in this class you’ll learn to use this valuable tool to address a variety of concerns including: overcoming bad habits such as procrastination, gaining confidence, increasing motivation, releasing limiting beliefs and business success. We’ll cover what hypnosis is and isn’t, how to do a hypnotic induction on yourself, crafting suggestions and how to put it all together to reprogram your subconsious mind for success in just a few minutes a day.

You’ll receive a course syllabus as well as my Guide to Self Hypnosis and my Self Hypnosis Conditioning CD, which also includes my studio produced “Peaceful Place” relaxation track as an added bonus.

This will be the third time I’m offering this class, and so far I’ve recieved great response. Here are some comments from the course evaluations I received from the  class held in January 2010:

  • Ted is very knowledgable and enthusiastic about his field. It really helped me a lot.”
  • “It actually works!”
  • “Professional, organized and informative. The instructor was engaging and knew his subject well. I’m glad I took the course!”
  • “Clear and easy guidelines to follow. Instructor is knowledgable and well experienced.”
  • “Ted is dynamic and makes an effort to engage the students. The content was well delivered.”

Remember, you’re being hypnotized daily, through advertising, the media, and the people you spend time with. In addition, you’ve been hypnotized throughout your life to believe things about yourself and the world that may or may not work for you anymore. The good news is, you can take control of your own positive programming. If you have habits of thinking and behaving that are holding you back from the success and happiness that you want, then you can learn to use the power of your own mind to change. Click here to register!

If you’re not interested in learning self-hypnosis but believe that hypnosis can be of help to you, give me a call and I’ll give you a free half hour consultation to discuss how you can benefit from working with me as your hypnotherapist or personal/small business coach. Call (626) 826-0612, email [email protected] or click here.

A subconscious mind is a terrible thing to waste! Put it to work for you with self hypnosis. Click here to register.

Time to Get Rid of Your (Same Old) Story?

Untitled-2 My life changed in 1990 when a relationship I was in fell apart like a castle made of sand. Parents had been met and plans made for the future, even though we had only been together less than four months. Perhaps you can relate to the feelings of devastation, shock, and loss that accompany the sudden end of  something into which much emotion has been invested. It brought me to my knees.

At the time, I told myself “This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me; this is the worst pain I’ve ever experienced.” My disappointment and resentment consumed me, and at times, my anger bordered on hatred. For a while this was my story, and I would tell it to anyone who cared to hear: “I’ve been terribly, terribly wronged.”

This upheaval caused me to look deep inside of me to find out why I was so affected by this short but volatile relationship. What I saw was that there were wounded parts of me that needed healing.  I began reading, journaling and working hard to build my self value and self esteem. I came to realize that I would never have a healthy relationship until I had one with myself. Within a few short years,  I had developed a new level of self respect and self acceptance. I started to tell a new story about what happened.

Today, 20 years later, I consider that experience to be the greatest gift ever given to me, next to my wife and kids. In spite of a strong desire to hold on to my anger and resentment (…anybody else ever felt that way?…), I couldn’t ignore the fact that my pain had been a catalyst to begin my own personal journey of self transformation, and for that, I am immensely grateful. I choose to tell this story now, and the telling of it empowers me.

What’s your story? Do you have a same old story you tell all the time, to yourself and others? What’s that story doing for you? Is it moving you forward or keeping you stuck? The good news is that you can change that story and choose to tell a new one anytime you want to.

There are always two parts to anything that occurs to you in life. There’s what happened, and then there’s your story of what happened. The problem is, it’s really easy to get the two confused. We can come to believe that our story about what happened is what happened, and that becomes our reality. Then we start making decisions based on a story that for the most part, we made up.

Much of my work with my hypnotherapy clients involves helping them identify stories they are telling themselves that are disempowering and downright scary. In other words, keeping these stories alive robs a person of confidence, self esteem and aliveness, while  perpetuating fear, doubt and unhappiness. The first question I ask of them is: “Ok, something happened to you, but what are you making that mean, and what is that doing for you?”

That fact is, that as humans we are meaning making machines. We will make up stories about what happens to us, we can’t help it. That’s what gives each life it’s unique flavor. What that flavor tastes like will depend on the meaning that you assign to what happens to you. “My business failed, that means I’m a failure” has a pretty bitter taste. On the other hand “Because my business failed  I learned something that will help me succeed next time” is a little more palatable, as well as being infinitely more useful.

I recently saw the film Invictus. It’s about Nelson Mandela’s attempts as president of South Africa to unite a country divided by years of apartheid. After 27 year of imprisonment by the South African government, one might expect that Mandela would want to exact revenge on those that imprisoned him. But instead, the story he told himself during his imprisonment is reflected in the poem “Invictus”, which he shares with the captain of the South African rugby team (played by Matt Damon):

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

As is widely known,  Mandela won international respect for his advocacy of national and international reconciliation and in 1993 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, shared with Frederik Willem de Klerk.

Our reality is self-created through the meanings and interpretations we attach to the situations and circumstances of our lives, that is, what we think about them. I don’t know how much control we have over things that happen to us, but we have full control over what we think.

Want a better experience of life? Choose to think differently, come up with a  better meaning, and tell a new story to yourself and others that is inspiring, and filled with courage and hope. You have that choice, so why not choose it? After all, it’s all made up anyway.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment and/or share it with your social networks using the buttons below.

Dedicated to helping you move to your next level of greatness,


 p.s. Having trouble coming up with a new story? I can help you.  Call me before Saturday, September 2nd and I’ll give you $35 off my regular session price. (South Pasadena location only)

Ted A. Moreno
Personal/Small Business Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist
 (626) 826-0612
Photo by Skye Moorhead