Ted’s Blog

Top 10 Signs of Self Sabotage – Episode 432

Self-sabotage is when we consciously or subconsciously stop ourselves from getting what we want. There are many reasons why we sabotage our progress and there are many ways that we keep ourselves from health, happiness and success. In this episode, Ted examines the top 10 signs that you are holding yourself back from the life […]

The State of Men, a discussion with Sammy Villanueva – Episode 431

By all indications, many men, especially young men, are struggling and falling behind in the quest for health, happiness and success. In this episode, Ted and Sammy Villanueva, the founder of the HeRose Men’s Mastermind Community, have an in depth discussion about the challenges many young men face, how those challenges impact them, and what […]

Stop the Inner Critic so You Can Speak Publicly (and Shine!) – Episode 430

I’m sure you’ve heard it: fear of public speaking is a fear worse than death for some people. Why is that? Well, nobody’s born a good public speaker. As with all fears, fear of public speaking is something that is learned, and what is learned can be unlearned. When someone says, “I have a fear […]

8 Easy Tips for Dealing with Social Anxiety– Episode 429

The first time I went to a business mixer, I was so nervous about meeting other people, that after getting a drink, I went and stood in a corner next to another guy who also seemed to have the same problem. That’s where I stayed the whole night. I went home and my wife asked […]

Top 5 Things You Can Do Today to Lessen Your Anxiety – Episode 428

(Want to hear the podcast on this topic? Go to TedinYourHead.com or tedmoreno.com/podcast) As a hypnotherapist and anxiety specialist for 20 years, I’ve not only learned a lot about anxiety, but I’ve also seen things that I lot of people that have anxiety have in common. Today we’re going to talk about 5 simple things […]

It Might Not Be Up to You– Episode 427

I was having breakfast with a couple of friends this morning and we were talking about how we met our significant others. One had known the person he was dating for a while and one day just asked her out. The other met his wife at the gym. I met my wife at my brother’s […]

What You Deserve Has Got Nothing to Do With It – Episode 426

One of my favorite movie quotes comes from the movie Unforgiven starring Clint Eastwood. William Munny (Eastwood) is a former murderous outlaw, who gets sucked back into lawbreaking because he needs the money for his farm and kids after his wife dies. He’s got his shotgun aimed at the sadistic town sheriff played by Gene […]

5 Signs That Anxiety is Crippling Your Earning Potential– Episode 425

5 Signs that anxiety is crippling your earning potential. I work a lot with people with anxiety. All the different kinds: social anxiety, fear of public speaking, panic attacks, driving anxiety, fears and phobias, etc. These fears and anxieties can have a huge negative impact on our lives, of course. But the biggest impact that […]

10 Ways to Cultivate Joy– Episode 424

It’s 1998, I’m living in Tucson Arizona and I’m not happy. My girlfriend and I were having major problems with each other and were soon to break up. Money was really tight, and to top it off, someone broke into the house I was living in and stole my stereo and the guitar that my […]

Sometimes You Just Need to Let Go – Episode 423

I’m not sure that I ever mentioned this to you, but at one point in my life I wanted to be a cowboy. It wasn’t when I was 6 or 7, I was actually in my 20s. This is embarrassing but I had dreams of working on a ranch and being out in the wide […]