Ted A. Moreno
Ted A. Moreno is a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Success Performance Coach. Hypnotherapists provide treatment for vocational and avocational self-improvement and are not licensed by the state as healing arts practitioners.
1910 Huntington Drive,
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
How To Use Your Dreams to Let Go of Blocks
/by Ted MorenoOne time many years ago I awoke from a most interesting dream. The dream involved a romantic relationship that had ended several months earlier. In the dream, I was on a trip with this person. We were having a wonderful time. In the dream, it felt very natural to be with the person, when in […]
Check Out This Video by Bob Proctor
/by Ted Moreno[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH8HjTsa8FU&feature=related] I spent all weekend at a workshop and I’m ready to call it a day. So instead of writing something I thought you might enjoy this video by Bob Proctor. You may know Bob from the hit movie “The Secret”. For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create […]
Professionals I Trust and Recommend
/by Ted MorenoI’ve been a member of BNI for five years now. BNI stands for Business Networking International and it’s the largest business networking organization in the world. BNI offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly, business referrals. In addition to my regular weekly posts, I’d like to feature one of my fellow BNI members and their business […]
Are You Looking for An Interior Designer?
/by Ted MorenoArmida Baylon, Interior Designer, has been in business for 30 years and doing project management for the past 20. She works in conjunction with contractors and architects to assist in helping her clients make selections and decisions on design implementation. She also can help a prospective client save money on many aspects of […]
A Time Tested Technique for Stress Relief
/by Ted MorenoI believe that the most powerful force on the planet is the human mind. However, instead of using our minds to create, many of us are controlled by our own minds. The most obvious result of being controlled by your mind is stress. I’d like to suggest one technique to help you get control over […]
Who Has Control of Your Mind?
/by Ted MorenoIt’s still surprising to me how many people out there are afraid of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. It happens all the time, when I tell someone I’m a hypnotherapist, they put their hand in front of their face and exclaim “Don’t look at me!” Believe it or not, I’ve actually had people ask me “Are you hypnotizing me now?” Other […]
Is Your Job or Business a Path with a Heart?
/by Ted MorenoThinking of changing your profession or business? Maybe you’re one of those who is forced to consider such a change because you no longer have a job. I know at least one person who was glad that she was laid off. “God, I hated that job” she said, “but I never had the guts to […]
Special Offer on Personalized Hypnosis or Motivational Recordings
/by Ted MorenoWould you like to have more motivation and confidence? Is there something in your life that is really stressing you out? A personalized hypnosis CD or motivational CD can be a great tool to help you make those changes. I am offering a discounted rate for personalized hypnosis or motivational recordings from now until March 30th. What […]
Are You Off Track and Out of Whack? Call in the Experts.
/by Ted MorenoI looked out my window recently one morning and noticed that my garage door was open. It was 6 a.m. so I knew it was open all night. We don’t park our car in the garage so we always keep it closed, especially at night. I pressed the button in my house to close the garage door; it went […]
Hypnosis and Cancer
/by Ted MorenoI’m proud to provide hypnotherapy services to those with mesothelioma cancer. Initial studies have shown hypnosis to be extremely beneficial for cancer patients and loved ones who battle anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and other secondary symptoms associated with traditional cancer treatments. Aggressive cancers like mesothelioma can have harmful side effects associated with radiation and chemotherapy regimens. Hypnosis has […]