Ted’s Blog

Thomas Edison Did Self Hypnosis and So Can You

That dour face in the photo above would be Thomas Edison, the most prolific inventor in history, holding 1093 patents in his name just in the U.S. Thomas Edison used self hypnosis on a regular basis. You can too! Click here to register for Self Hypnosis for Success starting January 24th at Pasadena City College. […]

Do You Know What You Stand For?

One summer I went on a river rafting vacation through the Grand Canyon. It was a week long trip rafting on the Colorado River and camping out surrounded by the ancient rock that is the Grand Canyon. You can get your perspective tweaked a little on one of these trips… When vacation was over, I […]

Ready for 2013? Let’s Start by Breathing Away Some Stress…

The holidays are over. What’s next? A brand new year brimming with possibility. Ready to start working on what you are going to create in 2013? Why don’t we start by letting go of any stress that we might have dragged into the New Year? In other words, let’s get centered, grounded and clear in […]

Get Your Head on Straight for 2013 with Self Hypnosis for Success!

Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions or goals for 2013? Or, are you like most people that believe it’s not worth the time or trouble because they’ll be forgotten by March? Even if you didn’t make any resolutions or goals, certainly there are things you want or desire in the coming year? Unless […]

What Will Happen on December 21st, 2012?

Something happened on December 21st at 3:12 am, PST. The sun was at it’s lowest point on the horizon, the point in the year where the the night is longest and the day is the shortest in the Northern Hemisphere. This is known as the winter solstice, and many people associate this with pagans, druids and Stonehenge.  However, it’s a natural, […]

How to Be Free from Smoking in 2013

If you are a smoker and thinking about quitting, why not use the New Year as a reason to make it your goal? (If you are not a smoker, please forward this to someone who is.) If you need convincing that quitting is the right thing to do now, here are three good reasons including […]

Event: Here’s to Having Healthy Holidays!

In conjunction with Dr. Gina Travis and the Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Center, I’ll be holding an event called “Here’s to Having Healthy Holidays”.   Do all your good habits go out the window at the first holiday party?  Do you suffer from the holiday blues?  Tired of starting the New Year burned out and overweight? […]

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Quality sleep is right up there with air, food and water as being necessary for a quality life. Getting a good night’s sleep, as I’m sure you know, can makethe difference between a day when you’re firing on all cylinders or a day when you’re limping along out of gas. Your mind has a job […]

New Website

Welcome to our new mobile marketing website. [break] As with all new projects, there’ll likely be a few “bugs” along the way because we’re human after all! [break] We’ll be adding regular updates to both our blog and our content. As we gain experience in other mobile marketing fields, such as QR code marketing, we’ll […]

Scribblings From Close to the Ground: “It’s Supposed to Be Hard.”

Welcome to another edition of “Scribblings from Close of the Ground”, wisdom from the mouths of babes, namely, Rocky and The Chick, my two daughters. C: Hi, The Chick here! R: and I’m Rocky, we’re Ted’s daughters and we know some stuff! C: We’re both in school now, that means we’re smart. R:We’re smart little […]