Entries by Ted Moreno

Healing Emotionally from Catastrophe – Episode 466

I wanted to take some time today to talk to those of you who might be feeling anxious, insecure, and overwhelmed after the recent wildfires here in Los Angeles. I know many of you are dealing with loss, uncertainty, or just the emotional aftermath of everything that’s happened. It’s a lot to process. I also […]

8 Things My 65 Year Old Self Would Tell My 25 Year Old Self – Episode 465

Ted has turned 65 years old and is reminiscing about his life: choices made, opportunities gained and lost, good times and bad times, trying to figure out Medicare… In this episode, Ted reveals 8 essential and valuable things that he would tell his 25-year-old self if he could with the understanding that his 25-year-old self […]

The Fires in Los Angeles – Episode 464

It’s Friday the 10th as I record write and four major fires are burning across Los Angeles County. My family and I are safe, the closest fire to where we live is the Eaton Fire burning in the hills above Altadena, just north of Pasadena. However, the air is thick with smoke and ash. My […]

Where is the Peace? Where is the Goodwill? – Episode 463

Peace on Earth, goodwill to all is what you hear this time of year, but truth be told, it’s sad to see the level of division, distrust and anger in our country today, not to mention the strife we see in the world at large. In the news, on social media, in print, there is […]

How To Keep From Becoming A Zombie – Episode 461

You’ve seen them out there. In line at the supermarket. In the car beside you on the freeway. Behind the counter at the store.  Looking back at you from the mirror. Zombies!  When you’re a Zombie you’re walking around but you’re essentially walking in your sleep.  You’re dead to anything other than your incessant mind […]

What About The Voice in Your Head?- Episode 460

You have a Voice in your head. You probably know this. If you don’t, you should. You might be thinking: “What voice? What is he talking about? I don’t have a voice. Maybe he has a voice in his head, but I certainly do not have one in mine!” Well, that’s what I’m talking about. […]