Ted’s Blog

Would You Get an Oscar for Your Mind Movies?

Did you catch The 87th Academy Awards last month? I saw The Birdman recently and really enjoyed it. If you look back at the winners of the Oscar over the past 20 years you’ll see that more than half of the winners for Best Motion Picture are about the ability of the human spirit to triumph over adversity and […]

Social Anxiety: How to Feel Comfortable Socially

The first time I went to a business mixer, I was so nervous about meeting other people, that after getting a drink, I went and stood in a corner next to another guy who also seemed to have the same problem. That’s where I stayed the whole night. Have you ever walked into a social […]

Why You Need Discomfort!

    One hot summer day found me at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I was on a  river rafting trip with Arizona River Runners and 30 other people. My buddy Brian was driving the boat on this 9 day trip down the Colorado River. One evening after dinner while  people were pitching their tents, one of the passengers […]

Are You a Single Professional Woman with Money Anxiety?

According to a recent survey by a multinational financial services company, 49% of woman that responded, including high income earners, have money anxiety. They fear becoming broke and homeless. A professional woman that becomes suddenly single due to death, divorce, or separation can find herself overwhelmed with fear and money anxiety. It can be difficult […]

The Mental Bank Program: Rewrite Your Mental Script

  So, has much changed since the New Year has started? If not, don’t be too bummed out. If you’ve been reading my blogs for any period of time, you know it’s all about your programming. If you want things to change, you need to change the programming. So what if I told you that there […]

Under Pressure: Why You Need It

    I once had a job once working for tech support for a software company. This software needed lots of support, which the company charged for. My job was to collect credit card info from people needing tech support, then pass them along to the tech support person that would help them. What they […]

Self Hypnosis: Einstein and Bono Said It Best…

  Bono of U2 said: “Nothing changes on New Year’s Day.” Einstein said: “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” The reason that nothing changes on New Year’s Day for most people is that they try to solve their problems using the same mindset that created them. Even for those […]

Holiday Family Gatherings: How to Stay Sane During the Holidays

We all want our holiday family gatherings to be times of positive, loving  interactions and of basking in the warm feeling that comes from being with people we love. However, this is often not the case for many people. For these folks, and maybe you are one of them, these holiday family gatherings can be […]

Holiday Expectations: Staying Sane During the Holidays

Can you feel it descending upon you?  I’m not talking about a lovely snowfall.  I’m talking about the heavy blanket of holiday expectations that comes around this time of year. Much of the cause of holiday stress is having to fulfill the holiday expectations of others while hoping to get your own holiday expectations fulfilled. Here is […]

Self Care During the Holidays: 10 Tips

Self care during the holidays is essential if you want to stay sane. Getting seriously stressed out, experiencing emotional breakdowns, having conflicts with family members and getting sick may not be the technical definition of insanity, but if these things happen due to lack of self care during the holidays, then you might FEEL as if you […]