Ted A. Moreno
Ted A. Moreno is a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Success Performance Coach. Hypnotherapists provide treatment for vocational and avocational self-improvement and are not licensed by the state as healing arts practitioners.
1910 Huntington Drive,
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
Suite 9
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 826-0612
Sessions are available in person, or via Zoom, Skype or phone
How to Avoid the Fog of Overwhelm Part II
/by Ted MorenoIn my last post, Avoiding the Fog of Overwhelm Part I, I discussed the state of overwhelm, what it is, how it happens and how it affects us. To recap briefly, overwhelm happens when there is too much information (message units) coming into our conscious awareness. Our minds only have a certain capacity, like a […]
Avoiding the Fog Of Overwhelm Part I
/by Ted MorenoAn example of overwhelm: driving in the worst fog I’ve ever encountered, many years ago. I couldn’t see anything except the two red brake lights of the car ahead of me. I couldn’t see the lines of the road, and I dared not pull over to the side of the road for fear of being hit […]
Liberation from You
/by Ted MorenoLiberation. The word is inspiring and filled with history and meaning. Look up the phrase “independence” on Wikipedia and you’ll get a definition about countries, nations and states and self government. Look up the word liberation, and you won’t get much. As a definition, three words, actually. Why so much about freedom but so little about liberation? […]
Once Upon a Time, There was You, Making Up Stories…
/by Ted MorenoDo you have a habit of making up stories? We know some people who have a tendency to exaggerate the truth. We think we know what is real. But do we really? Something that happened to me this morning: I was out for my morning walk when a police officer pulled up alongside of me […]
Stop It! 43 Things To Stop Doing NOW
/by Ted MorenoStop saying “I hate _.” That makes you a hater. Stop acting like you’re the only one with problems. Stop complaining to people that can’t do anything about it. They don’t want to hear. Stop complaining if nothing can be done about it. Just stop complaining, already! Stop wishing that what is, isn’t and that what […]
Happiness and The Hypnosis of the Culture Part II
/by Ted MorenoHere’s a parable that I think speaks to the topic of happiness and the hypnosis of the culture. One day a monk stopped by the house of a wealthy man and found the owner busily filling a large steel chest with gold and silver coins. Puzzled, the monk asked him what he was doing. The […]
Happiness and the Hypnosis of the Culture, Part I
/by Ted MorenoYou might’ve heard the story of the guy walking down the street and sees another guy looking for something by the side of the road. “Hey” the first guy says,”What are you looking for?” “I’m looking for my keys”, says the other guy. “Let me help you! Where did you see them last?” “In my house.” “Um, […]
Scaring Away the Dark Side of Change
/by Ted MorenoEver wonder why we wear masks on Halloween? Why we dress up and disguise ourselves as ghosts, witches and monsters? The modern holiday of Halloween has its roots in both the Celtic celebration of Samhain and the Christian holiday of All Saints Day. Samhain (“the end of summer”) celebrated the end of the “lighter half” of the year and the beginning of the “darker […]
You, on The Hero’s Journey
/by Ted MorenoI like Star Wars. “The Empire Strikes Back” is my favorite movie. When I hear the word transformation, I think about Luke Skywalker, and unless you’ve been living in a cave since 1977, you know that he is the hero of the first three Star Wars movies. Here’s a guy that goes from being a whiny, irresponsible young […]
What About The Voice in Your Head?
/by Ted MorenoYou have the Voice in your head. You probably know this. If you don’t, you should. You may be thinking: “What voice? What is he talking about? I don’t have a voice. Maybe he has a voice in his head, but I certainly do not have one in mine.” Well, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s […]