Ted’s Blog

HMI Video of Ted the Hypnotherapist

Here’s a video that the Hypnosis Motivation Institute made to promote its graduates as well as the school. Thanks to Brett Stumm (Pasadena Weekly’s Best Mortgage Broker 2010) for playing the part of the client.

The Greatest Gift You Will Ever Give to Yourself

Your Most Valuable Asset What do you value most in your life? Is it your house or car? Your investments? Is it your family? Your job? It’s often suggested that the things we value most are those that we have worked and sacrificed for; those things that do not come easy to us. I’d like to suggest that your […]

Do Space Aliens Feel Alienated?

I was standing in my back yard one night looking up at the Orion Constellation. It was cold and quiet. Suddenly, without any warning, I was blasted with an intensly blinding light, causing me to shut my eyes and fall to the ground! The light quickly diminished, and when I was able to open my eyes, I found myself not […]

How to Avoid Overwhelm During the Holidays

  I’m going to share with you a secret that I’ve learned in my time working as a hypnotherapist. Knowing this secret could change your life, because whenever you are aware of something going on, you have the possibility of changing it. Knowing this secret could even save your life. The secret is that most […]

Extolling the Virtues of Walking

Last week I decided to do something that I have been wanting to do since I moved to where I now live. I’ve been wanting to take a walk in a nearby park that has a large reservoir. It’s within walking distance from my house, but I usually don’t have enough time to both walk to the […]

Like Something the Cat Dragged In…

        Let me say right off that I have nothing of any substance to convey to you this week. I’m recovering from a head cold that my wonderful kids gifted me so I’m giving myself the week off from any attempt to produce something of quality. But I still wanted to talk to ya…

Maybe Everything That Dies, Someday Comes Back.

I remember the day I got sent home from a job for being a lousy salesperson. It was 1986 and I had a sales job in Phoenix. I was general manager of the business and I was doing pretty good, although I was working  7 days a week, 12 to 13 hours a day. I went into […]

Are You a Nasty Witch or Freaking Ogre? Take Time for Yourself.

Of the all the things that I hear in my office this is the most common: “One part of me wants this, and another part of me wants that…” Usually one part is unhappy with the other part because it’s not doing what the first part wants it to do, like quit smoking or get […]

Zombies! How to Keep from Being One of the Walking Dead.

It’s close to Halloween, and people are already talking about what costume they’re going to wear. For a couple of days there will be lots of ghosts and skeletons, goblins and witches, vampires and Antoine Dodsons walking around. But regardless of what time of year it is, you can always count on there being Zombies.

Are You A DIY? Attend my Self Hypnosis Class Starting 10/23 at PCC

  If you are a DIY (Do It Yourselfer) then you might be interested in taking my Self Hypnosis for Success Class at PCC starting October 23rd and continuing for the next three Saturdays: October 30th and November 6th from 9 am to 10:30 am. Click here to register! All hypnosis is self hypnosis, so […]