Ted’s Blog

It’s OK For You to Not Know

I used to be one of those people who always had to have an answer for everything, you know, a “know it all.” Then one day someone told me “You’re not at smart as you think you are, and you’re not fooling anyone.” The nerve!! But it was true. So I stopped

Every Day You Die, Every Day You Are Born

In 1927, at the age of 32, Buckminster Fuller stood on the shores of Lake Michigan, prepared to throw himself into the freezing waters. His first child had died. He was bankrupt, discredited and jobless, and he had a wife and new-born daughter. On the verge of suicide, it suddenly struck him that his life […]

How to Be Happy Anytime

 Today’s post is written by Leo Babauta, from his zenhabits blog. My friend Barron recently asked, “If you could be anywhere right now, doing anything you want, where would you be? And what would you be doing?” And my answer was, “I’m always where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing.” […]

Scatpooy Epidemic

SCATPOOY seems to be present in quite a few people these days. Although not quite an epidemic, you want to make sure you don’t catch it.  The best thing to do is to immunize yourself now. However, if you notice any symptoms, you’ll want to deal with them immediately. Symptoms may include paralysis, insomnia, and loose bowels, but will […]

29 Cool Ways to Welcome and Celebrate Summer

June 21st was the Summer Solstice, the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year. Throughout history, people the world over have observed this event with various celebrations in the month of June. For ancient people, there was a good cause for celebration, as well as relief: the snow had disappeared, warm temperatures […]

What Being A Father Has Taught Me About Me

    I’ve been a father now for five and half years. I have two daughters that I  refer to as Chick and the Rock. Two days a week I’m a stay home dad. I’ll say this much, life is interesting. For most of my life I had no interest in being a father.

Man Has Two Rotten Teeth Removed Using only Hypnosis as a Painkiller

Seems like hypnosis is much more widely used and accepted in the UK than it is here in the States. A dental patient there underwent hypnosis to have two rotten teeth removed because he could not afford private treatment. The dentist said that the hypnosis was “100% effective.”

Actress Jessica Alba Recommends Hypnobirthing Classes

Jessica Alba has been voted  number one on AskMen.com‘s list of “99 Most Desirable Women” in 2006, as well as “Sexiest Woman in the World” by FHM in 2007. However, the 30 year old actress who hails from Pomona California is like most women: she’d like to have the upcoming birth of her baby be as relaxed […]

Learn Self Hypnosis to Train Your Brain

My Self Hypnosis for Success Class is being offered again at Pasadena City College starting tomorrow, June 4th and continuing for the next three Saturdays: June 11th and June 18th, from 9 am to 10:30 am. Click here to register! I’m will also be offering it again this summer starting Saturday, July 9th and continuing on the next two […]

13 Lucky Ways to Stay Sane in a Wacky World

I don’t know about you folks, but things are looking pretty nutty out there, at least from my perspective. It seems difficult to make sense of the rapid pace of change occuring these days. Many people are challenged on many fronts: financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Things are happening fast and change is coming quick. Your cable news channel […]