Ted’s Blog

Feeling Alive

13 Ways

Ready to Quit Smoking?

This is the time of the year when smokers start thinking about quitting. Standing out in the hot sun smoking is not fun, people are starting to exercise and think more about their health, and vacation time might mean time on an airplane when you can’t smoke.  One of my specialties is helping people quit […]

Are You and Your Body Friends?

Today’s post is by guest author Tarnie Falloon, Licensed Physical Therapist and Transformational Healer. Tarnie emphasizes mindful movement as a way to health and wellness. Are you friends with your body?  Do you love, appreciate, and honor it just the way it is? Last week I was talking to a woman who hated her body. […]

Five Steps to Finding Your Life’s Purpose (Guaranteed!)

There seem to be a lot of people these days looking for their life’s purpose. I googled “How to find your life’s purpose” and came up with 94 million results. I searched a few of the 94 million results and found that most involved writing stuff down, going back to childhood, what brings you joy, etc. […]

10 Simple Daily Habits That Will Make a Big Difference

If there is one thing I’ve discovered about creating the kind of life that you want, it’s this: it happens daily. Your daily habits might be the most significant things you do that affect the quality of your life. Here are 10 daily habits to form that are easy to do but will change your […]

Learning to Be Assertive

Today’s post is written by guest author Cristina Mardirossian, MFT. STEVEN’S STORY Steven has been with his girlfriend for almost two years and is tired of not getting his needs met. According to Steven, he has a difficult time in asking for what he wants and needs. A simple decision, for example, about where to eat dinner is […]

Get Out! The Importance of Contact with Nature

Have you ever stood by the side of the highway and looked out over a magnificent vista? How does that contact with nature make you feel? Does it bring you a sense of peace? How about a change in perspective? Being outside in contact with nature has a profound effect on our minds. In doing […]

Is Your Job a Path With a Heart?

  This post was originally posted in March of 2010. Being a hypnotherapist and  small business coach is the longest job I’ve held, now going on 10 years and without a doubt, the most fulfilling job I’ve had.  My story is one where I’ve had a lot of jobs. I used to feel bad about moving from job […]

Getting Free from The Hypnosis of Your Mind

One of the most fun and common ways to get hypnotized is to go the movies. When we see a movie, we believe what we’re seeing is really happening. We get scared, feel happy, and maybe even cry.  We literally become hypnotized to the point that we forget that none of it is real. We […]

How to Figure Out Your Relationship

One Valentines Day back in the 90s, I was out to dinner with a woman I had just started seeing. She had thoughtfully arranged for a card and a gift to be at the table when we arrived. We were sitting at a table that had a small electric lamp.   As were talking, I noticed […]