Entries by Ted Moreno

Who Are You in Relation to Challenges? – Episode 405

When you are facing a challenge, who are you? Scared? Doubtful? Angry? Or are you confident, self-assured or determined? You get to choose who you are going to be in the face of a challenge. It’s called a Can-Do Attitude. Also known as a Success Mindset. We need challenges to grow. Listen to this podcast […]

Put the Phone Down and Get Out – Episode 404

Our digital devices, such as our cell phones, are amazing and beneficial technologies. But for many of us, the cost of this technology is separation from what makes us human, such as being present to the rejuvenating power of the natural world. As we spend more and more of our time indoors, we lose connection […]

10 Steps to Creating Motivation to Exercise

One of the most common reasons people come to my hypnotherapy practice is to find the motivation to exercise. We all know exercise is essential to health and wellness, yet, if you are not in the habit, it can be difficult to go from not doing anything to getting regular and consistent exercise. There are […]

5 Things That Can Help Overcome Your Depression

Today’s post is by guest author Allison Hail, hailing all the way from New Zealand. When you’re depressed, it can feel like there’s nothing you can do to feel better. The nature of depression ruins your drive and hope, making it difficult to get the help you need. However, while getting over depression is never […]

7 Steps to Fulfill Your Desires in 2018

Here we are finishing the first month of the New Year. How’s it going for you? Are you on track to fulfill your desires? If you are like most people, things are the same as the were this time last year, in other words, “same stuff, different day.” You probably realize that making resolutions isn’t […]

How to Avoid the Fog of Overwhelm Part II

In my last post, Avoiding the Fog of Overwhelm Part I, I discussed the state of overwhelm, what it is, how it happens and how it affects us. To recap briefly, overwhelm happens when there is too much information (message units) coming into our conscious awareness. Our minds only have a certain capacity, like a […]

Avoiding the Fog Of Overwhelm Part I

An example of overwhelm: driving in the worst fog I’ve ever encountered, many years ago. I couldn’t see anything except the two red brake lights of the car ahead of me. I couldn’t see the lines of the road, and I dared not pull over to the side of the road for fear of being hit […]

Liberation from You

Liberation. The word is inspiring and filled with history and meaning. Look up the phrase “independence”  on Wikipedia and you’ll get a definition about countries, nations and states and self government. Look up the word liberation, and you won’t get much. As a definition, three words, actually. Why so much about freedom but so little about liberation? […]

Once Upon a Time, There was You, Making Up Stories…

Do you have a habit of making up stories? We know some people who have a tendency to exaggerate the truth. We think we know what is real. But do we really? Something that happened to me this morning: I was out for my morning walk when a police officer pulled up alongside of me […]