10 Steps to Creating Motivation to Exercise

One of the most common reasons people come to my hypnotherapy practice is to find the motivation to exercise. We all know exercise is essential to health and wellness, yet, if you are not in the habit, it can be difficult to go from not doing anything to getting regular and consistent exercise.

There are a lot of reasons not to exercise. It’s hot, it’s sweaty, it’s uncomfortable, you don’t have time, you can’t afford a gym or personal training, you don’t want people to see you, it’s not worth the effort, it’s too late for you, etc.

The first step is to make the decision that getting exercise is something you MUST do. Be clear that focusing on all the reasons why you can’t exercise will not help you. We are looking for solutions here! Refocus your mind on reasons why you CAN achieve the fitness you want and begin looking for ways to make it happen.

Getting regular exercise will help you to have more energy, be happier, more focused and effective, less stressed, more confident, look better and live longer. But you knew that, right?

Here are some practical steps to help you begin and maintain a consistent exercise program.

  1. Find a word that is acceptable to you that doesn’t have negative connotations. Some people hate or have a negative reaction to the words exercise, working out, gym, etc. so find a word that works for you. It might be moving your body, getting fit, physical activity, etc. This is important!
  2. Write down all the reasons why you must get exercise or whatever word that describes what you want to do. Not why you should, but why you must. Take a couple of minutes to imagine how you would feel if you were getting physical activity regularly.
  3. Find something that you can do and might enjoy. If you absolutely can’t stand going to the gym, then forget about that. There are plenty of other ways to increase physical fitness. Just to name a few: walking, hiking, biking, yoga, pilates, tai chi, chi gong, jumping jacks,  jumping rope or using a rebounder (mini trampoline). In addition there are plenty of videos and CD programs available for purchase or free online that can guide you.
  4. Mix it up. Walk one day, hike another, ride a bike the next, take a class once a week.
  5. PLAN! This is probably the most important step. Remember that most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. Be realistic as to when you can fit in your activity. To go from doing nothing to getting up at 6 am everyday and going to the gym is probably not realistic. Take some time to sit down and plan the days and times that will work for you. Try to make these times consistent if possible. In other words, schedule the same days and times every week. We are trying to create a new habit. Write it down in your schedule book/app as an appointment, and create reminders for yourself.
  6. Start with easily achievable steps. Success by the inch is a cinch, by the yard it’s very hard. Shoot for 3 times a week, for 30 minutes each time, or even 15 minutes. Start small and work your way up. If you plan to get out and do something three times a week and do it, congratulations you are a success! However if you plan for 5 days and week and only do three, you might be tempted to beat yourself up.
  7. Set yourself up for success by making it easy to succeed. Look at your schedule the night before to reinforce what activity you plan to do the next day. Be sure all your stuff is packed and ready.
  8. Use supportive language. Be your own coach. Talk to yourself using encouraging and motivating language. Before you go to bed, use affirmations such as “My health is my top priority and I am committed to my plan to exercise tomorrow at 7 am!”
  9. Get a partner. If you can find someone to walk, hike, bike, go to the gym or take a class with, you are much more likely to do it and enjoy it.
  10. Hire a personal trainer. This will make you accountable and will most likely get you the best results. Do your homework and find someone reputable with good reviews or ask around for a good referral. Ask lots of questions of potential trainers and communicate clearly what your goals are and how you want to be trained i.e. “I want someone to kick my butt” or “I want some to be gentle with me.”

You can do this. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but discomfort becomes comfort if repeated enough. To reiterate, be clear about why you must, and the benefit you will receive. Getting into a regular schedule of consistent activity and feeling the benefits can be one of your greatest accomplishments. Call me if you need help!

Ted A. Moreno
Certified Hypnotherapist
High Performance Coach

5 Things That Can Help Overcome Your Depression

Today’s post is by guest author Allison Hail, hailing all the way from New Zealand.

When you’re depressed, it can feel like there’s nothing you can do to feel better. The nature of depression ruins your drive and hope, making it difficult to get the help you need. However, while getting over depression is never easy, it is certainly not impossible. There are many things you do to ease the symptoms of depression and get you on the right track to recovery. The following five steps will help you get there.

Talk to Someone

 Having depression can make it tough to be around people or reach out for help. But isolation will only worsen your depression symptoms. When you’re on your own on all the time, it’s very hard to keep a healthy, positive perspective.

Talking about your depression is a crucial step on the road to recovery. Confiding in someone whom you love and trust can make a world of difference in your outlook. It’s important to remember that your loved ones care about you and won’t ever see you as a burden, even if that’s how you feel inside. But if you’re not ready for this step just yet, you could try a support group first. Being around others who have the disorder can make you feel less alone and make it easier to open up about your struggles.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Doing a daily relaxation practice can help to relieve stress and boost feelings of happiness. It can also help to improve your sleep, which is a common problem that goes along with depression. There are many different relaxation techniques you can try, from yoga and meditation to deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Some people also find hypnotherapy to be helpful for relieving stress and anxiety. You may find that combining or alternating different techniques has the best results.

Get Active Outside

Exercise is proven to be one of the most effective ways to deal with depression. Doing just 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise can give you a boost in endorphins, the positive mood-enhancing chemicals in the body.

Whenever possible, make it a point to exercise outdoors in the daylight. The sunlight can help to improve your mood by boosting your serotonin levels. Trampolining is a particularly great outdoor exercise and one that is proven to improve mental health. Not only does it boost your energy, but the sheer fun of jumping up and down in the fresh air will get you smiling, laughing, and feeling more positive.

Discover a New Happy Place

Everybody needs a break once in a while when life becomes challenging. Why not take a few hours off each week to find a new favourite activity or travel destination?  You could try a new sport such as diving, kayaking, or archery, or take up a constructive new hobby such knitting, woodworking that doesn’t require you to stare at digital screens.

Eat a Healthy Diet

 Even if you don’t have an appetite, you should always try to eat something every three to four hours. Going too long without eating can leave you feeling even more tired and irritable, which does no good for your depression. However, you must be mindful of what you consume because this can have a direct impact on how you feel. It’s important to stay away from too much sugar and refined carbs. Foods high in sugar may taste good, but it can quickly cause your mood and energy to crash. You can keep your mood stabilised by consuming plenty of omega 3 fatty acids, which can be found in salmon, sardines, mackerel and other fatty fish.

Find Activities You Enjoy

 The symptoms of depression can reduce your energy and motivation to do the things you once loved. A key step in overcoming depression is pushing yourself to do things, even if you don’t feel like it. Set aside time to do anything you may find of interest, whether it’s playing a sport you once loved, pursuing a brand-new hobby or simply exploring places you’ve never been. Getting out into the world and engaging in activities will help to re-ignite your spark. While your depression may not be cured right away, you will gradually begin to feel more positive, energetic and upbeat.

Author’s Bio:

“Allison Hail is a freelance writer based in gorgeous New Zealand who loves sharing her insights on health and wellness. You can discover more of her work on Tumblr.”

Image Credit:

Girl at the Dock by Paola Chaaya via Unsplash.com under License

7 Steps to Fulfill Your Desires in 2018

fulfill your desires

Here we are finishing the first month of the New Year. How’s it going for you? Are you on track to fulfill your desires?

If you are like most people, things are the same as the were this time last year, in other words, “same stuff, different day.” You probably realize that making resolutions isn’t a good way to fulfill your desires. I read somewhere that only 8% of those that make resolutions actually keep them.

To fulfill your desires, there are definite steps you need to take to manifest what you want in your life.

Setting Goals and Intentions: The Key to Fulfill Your Desires

  1. First of all, you need to subscribe to the belief that you CAN get what you want, that you are deserving, worthy, and able to fufill your desires and dreams. You must believe that the Universe, or God, or Infinite Intelligence  has your back. Nothing will happen if you believe that you can’t do it, or that you should be punished, or that it’s not worth the hassle, or that God doesn’t want you to fulfill your desires and dreams. If you need help with this part, you should click here.
  2. Next, to fulfill your desires, you must KNOW what you desire. You need clarity about what you are serious about manifesting.  This takes time and reflection. Do you want to lose weight? Buy a house? A new car? Get a new job? Take a yoga class? Create a new website for your business? Have a better relationship? Take some time to journal/write or having a discussion with someone you trust.
  3. To fulfill your desires, you must write down your goals and desires. This step is where most people get stoppedEvery accomplishment, great or small, started off as an idea in someone’s mind. The trick is to turn that intangible idea into something that happens in physical reality, something you can feel, hear, touch and share with others. Writing your goals and dreams down is an essential step to fulfill your desires because it starts the process of bringing your desires into the physical realm. If you do it on a computer, print it out. You can have goals for business, family, household, health or spirituality. Have a number of different goal sheets for different areas of life. Keep them in a notebook or folder where you can easily find/review them.
  4. Next, set target dates or timelines that indicate when you plan to have your goals and desires accomplished. As opposed to “someday I’ll have this/do this…”, instead, write down exactly when you plan to achieve the goal or fulfill your desires. If it is ongoing, then create a timeline or series of benchmarks. What needs to get done and by when? Put pressure on yourself with deadlines and target dates.
  5. Create action steps. Break down your desires/goals into specific things that you will do to achieve them. For instance, “Call John to discuss proposal” or “Research yoga classes in my area” or “Purchase materials needed.” Nothing will happen without taking action!
  6. Reinforce the goal/desire on a consistent basis. There are a many ways to do this. Review goals weekly or monthly. It’s easy to set a goal and then forget about it, easy for our dreams and desires to get covered up by the busyness of life. Life is a moving parade, so to fulfill your desires, you must stay focused on what you want. it’s  Set a time and a day every week or every month when you will do this and review your progress, keeping your desires top of mind. In addition, use positive statements about your ability to fulfill your desires, goals and dreams. These are called affirmations. Say them/read them right before bed with your mind is very suggestible.
  7. Finally, celebrate when you accomplish something! Set rewards for achieving your desires, such as a trip or vacation, or buying something you want, or just a day off. Reinforce the good feeling of accomplishment that comes when you fulfill your desires.

Get Your Subconscious Mind On Board

Remember, your subconscious mind, (88% of your total mind, according to one theory)  wants everything to stay the same. To the subconscious, the unknown represents pain. If you don’t have it yet, then what you desire is an unknown to your subconscious mind. Since the subconscious avoids unknowns, your subconscious mind will often sabotage your efforts and try to keep you where you are now, because that is what is known, and the subconscious like what is know and familiar, even if you conscious mind wants something different.

The key is to use the steps above to get your subconscious mind familiar and comfortable with what you want: the desired result, the fulfillment of your desire, the compelling outcome. This will take organization, planning and time investment. If you are not used to doing this, then start small with an easily achieved goal. It’s worth it! You can do it! If you need help, contact me by clicking here.

The only language the Universe understands is Faith + Intention + Action. It’s said that God helps those that help themselves. Claim your desire, declare it to to world, then start putting one foot in front of the other to fulfill your desires in 2018.

Have a great year!
