Ted’s Blog

Do You Have Anxiety About Money?

(If you are a single professional woman with anxiety about money, click here.)   Do you have anxiety about money or the lack thereof? If you don’t, you are in the minority. According to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 80% of Americans find the current financial crisis is a significant source […]

One Way to Handle Unwanted Emotions

I have two small children, little girls, ages 2 and 3 1/2. (For the purposes of this blog, they shall be referred to as Fingers and Matrix Chick.) Anyway, as many a parent can relate to, sometimes the whining, fits, insubordination, chant-like requests for “binky” and power struggles between the two can raise the blood pressure of […]

Relief from Anxiety

In my hypnotherapy practice, I seem to attract many clients dealing with anxiety in one form or another. I can’t tell you whether that says something about me or that there are a lot of people challenged by anxiety out there. Probably a little of both.Some clients feel anxiety while driving, others in social situations. […]

The Magic Thirty Minutes to Control Your Mind

Greetings! I hope everyone enjoyed their Independence Day festivities. What is independence? Well, it’s freedom, isn’t it? Freedom to call your own shots, to be the master of your destiny, to have control over your life. In my opinion, the  place to start creating that  freedom is in our own minds. We all seek  freedom from our own bad […]

A Technique to Program Your Mind For Goal Achievement

In my effort to provide useful  information to the readers of this blog, let me give you an exercise that I have been using for many years to increase my motivation and to keep me on track to achieve my goals. This is but one example of the kind of tools I give to my […]

What Does It Feel Like To Be Hypnotized?

“It kind of feels like how Dave the astronaut felt in “2001 A Space Odyssey“, doesn’t it!?” I remember someone telling me way back when I announced I was going to college to study hypnosis. “Umm..well, no, actually, it’s not quite that dramatic”, I replied, feeling bad that I had squashed his illusions. (He seemed […]

Toads and Deep Relaxation

Create a state of relaxation and comfort by using Special Place, a tool used in Therapeutic Imagery. Very effective when used with hypnotherapy.

How Hypnosis Can Help Someone Stop Smoking

The reason it is hard to change a habit such as smoking is because your subconsious mind (which makes up 88% of your mind), likes what is known and familiar and sees change as unpleasant or painful. The conscious part of your mind which makes the decision to quit, (12% of your mind) can’t compete with the […]

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Change (Hypnosis 101, Part 2)

“There’s a part of me that  wants to change but there’s another part of me that doesn’t, and that part always seems to win out!” Sound familiar? There is a lot of truth to this statement. What we are talking about is a conflict between two minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Let’s just put […]

Welcome New World Fair Subscribers!

I’d like to extend a warm welcome and a gracious thank you to all the wonderful people I met at the New World Fair that expressed an interest in my newsletter/blog. The New World Fair was held this past Saturday and Sunday at the new exhibit hall in the Pasadena Convention Center. I’ve been doing […]