Ted’s Blog

How to Stay Sane During the Holidays

[leadplayer_vid id=”54768FE2DBDD1″]   We all know that it can be hard to stay sane during the the holidays! They can be quite stressful. There’s money anxiety: “How am I going to be able to afford buying gifts? There’s family: “I just hope we don’t get into a big argument!” There’s travelling: “Flying isn’t so much […]

It’s Better to Be Grateful than Dead

Why do we have only one day a year dedicated to giving thanks? If it was up to me, we would have Thanksgiving day once a week, (minus the huge feast). Think about it: if you lived 80 years, having Thanksgiving day once a year would give you 80 days when you were reminded to be grateful. If you had it […]

Fear of Public Speaking: Worse than Death?

  It’s been said that fear of public speaking is a fear worse than death for some people. I’m not sure how many people have the fear of public speaking so bad that they would rather die, but many people do consider speaking in front of a group on par with a root canal on the […]

Being Grateful for the Things that Went Wrong

  As we approach Thanksgiving, much will be written this week about gratitude, how to give thanks, counting blessings, how not to stuff yourself like a tick, etc. I’d like to suggest being grateful for things in your life that went wrong. Things that didn’t go according to plan. Now before I go any further let […]

31 Scary Questions to Ask Yourself

  It’s all about scary this week as we approach Halloween and Day of the Dead.  It’s a time when it’s fun to be scared, as long as we know that it’s just a movie, or someone dressed up as the walking dead. Truth is, there are plenty of really scary things out there.  But by far, […]

Hypnosis 101: How Does It Work?

In last week’s post I talked about how hypnosis is a natural state we all go into; while watching TV, while driving, while exercising, before we go to bed and right after we wake up. That attached diagram, (courtesy of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute) is what I use with every new client to explain how […]

How To Put Yourself Into A Hypnotic Trance

  Well for starters, you can register for Self Hypnosis for Success and take control of what goes into your mind!  The class begins January 24th from 9 am to 10:30 am at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, CA.  Click here to register. Or, you can go into hypnotic trance by being overwhelmed. Too much […]

Are You Ready for Change?

Are you ready for change? You’d better be. Because it’s coming like a locomotive and if you’re not ready, you’ll get run over. I remember when we went from rotary dial to push button, then to cordless. I got my first cell phone in 2005. I remember using lps, (long playing records) to 8 track, […]

How to Ease Anxiety About Dental or Doctor Visits

[leadplayer_vid id=”53E312BD06563″]   Want to learn how to ease anxiety about dental and doctor visits? Watch this video. I was recently asked by Dr. Jack Von Bulow of Temple City Dental Care to give a presentation on how to ease anxiety about dental and doctor visits. We all know that to maintain our dental and physical […]

The Shackles of Shame

[leadplayer_vid id=”53D095665E88D”] (Video 32 seconds) Shame. Say the word out loud and feel it’s intense power. The root of the word shame is thought to come from an older word meaning to cover, as in covering oneself. When we feel shame, we cover ourselves, literally and figuratively. Eve was said to cover herself in the […]