Fourteen Ways to Break Up SSDD and Feel Alive – Episode 454

Have you ever asked someone how they are doing, and they respond SSDD which stands for “Same s..t, different day?” It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day humdrum where the days seem to run into each other because the same thing happens day in and day out. This can leave us feeling stuck and uninspired. We need to consistently work on bringing more joy, aliveness and passion into our lives, and it starts with connecting with those things that fill you up inside.

In this episode, Ted offers 14 ways to get out of SSDD and feel more enthusiastic about being alive at a time when it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find fulfillment and meaning in modern life. The best part: most of these things are simple and easy, yet powerful. Check it out!

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Ever get the feeling that all you do is work and be responsible? Do the days seem to run into each other because the same thing happens day in and day out? Do you feel “stuck”?

Henry David Thoreau said, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Do you sometimes feel that Thoreau is talking about you? (note: you would be saddened and shocked by the number of people that would say yes to that question.)

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day humdrum. When you ask people how they are doing, how often do you get SSDD which stands for “Same s..t, different day?

It’s like if you hang a picture on the wall, for the first few days you’ll look at that painting, and you’ll go “Oh that’s a nice painting.” But eventually that painting becomes part of the background, and you don’t notice it anymore. Life can be the same way. Where all the things you do every day just run into each other and fade into the background and that becomes your life if you aren’t constantly looking for new experiences to fill you up.

If you can relate to what I’m talking about, then you can to change things. You need to do something different. Here are 14 ways to get out of SSDD and bring more joy, aliveness and passion into your life at a time when it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find fulfillment and meaning in modern life. It all starts with connecting with those things that fill you up inside. And I’m not talking about going out and buying new stuff. I’m talking about new feelings and new experiences. The great thing about it is that they are relatively simple things.

Listen to music. Music is healing. Music speaks to our souls. Turn off the TV and sit instead with your eyes closed listening to your favorite type of music. When was the last time you did that? Make a playlist of your favorite songs and listen to them in your car instead of listening to the news. I love classical music, and when I’m feeling dulled by life, I listen to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony or Bach’s Sonatas and Partidas for Solo Violin.

Play music or sing. Do you have a dusty instrument laying around? Pull it out and see if you can become friends again. It could be as simple as a wooden flute with holes or as complex as a grand piano. Have you always wanted to learn an instrument? When would now be the best time to start? Guitar is easy and cheap. You can learn by watching YouTube videos.

Watch your all-time favorite movie. One that inspires you. One that makes you laugh or makes you think. Turn off the phone, grab your favorite brew and be taken away by a great story. My favorites: “Lawrence of Arabia” and “Casablanca”

Read. Read something that keeps you turning the pages. Something inspiring and interesting. Make regular time to savor it. If you learn something, that’s a bonus.

Do some art. Let your artistic side come out. Do you like to draw? Paint? Photography? Work with clay? I don’t know how much a bag of Sculpey is but I’m sure it’s not a lot. You don’t need to know “how”. Just play, see what happens.

Dance. If you find yourself alone and the mood strikes you then get up and bust a move. Don’t be shy to dance alone. It’s all about freedom of expression. If you want to but can’t call me and I’ll help you bust loose. I dance. Usually by myself. Sometimes in front of the kids and my wife. Move your body with music. Get into your body and feel the groove.

Start a garden. Plant a seed. Nurture it. Watch it grow. Maybe you end up with fruit, vegetables or a pretty flower. Be a partner in the miracle of life. Get filled up with wonder. That will make you wonderful (or more wonderful than you already are).

Get a pet. Dogs, cats, birds, whatever. Play with your pet if you have one. Not just walk them. No room or too much hassle? Get a fish. They’re easy and they don’t mess up your house. Aquariums are peaceful. Get some frogs, or newts. Some people like snakes and lizards. They’re not for me but whatever floats your boat. Get something alive and take care of it.

Hang out with a little kid. Maybe yours, maybe someone else’s that would like some kid-free time. Go buy them an ice cream. Go do something that you liked to do when you were a kid.

Get out into nature. This is very powerful. Go to a park and walk barefoot in the grass. Take a drive up into the mountains. Take a hike. I like lakes and streams, there’s magic in those places. My personal local favorite: Puddingstone Lake in Bonelli Park here in San Dimas where I live. Go fishing, kayaking, just get out.

Go to a museum. Want to get inspired? Stand in front of a painting that is 500 years old. It’s quiet and cool in museums. I was in New York last summer standing in front of Starry Night by Van Gogh. I so was moved to see it in real life. My favorite: Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens in San Marino. They have a beautiful Japanese garden and a brand new Chinese Garden that is absolutely amazing. If you live in the LA area, this is a national treasure right in our backyard. I’m sure there is something like that where you live as well. Build something. Anything. A shed. A box. A model airplane. A real airplane. Create something with your hands.

Take a vacation. Even if it’s just a day off, like a mental health day. Yeah, I know, vacations disrupt my routine too. But that’s the idea. Can’t afford it? You can’t afford not to. Rest and relaxation are just as important as work.

Develop a spiritual practice. Whatever is meaningful to you. Reading spiritual texts, going to worship services, meditation, or study. A spiritual practice can connect you to deeper parts of yourself that leave you feeling centered, grounded and connected to everything out there.

It’s all about connecting with your inner sense of wonder and creativity and getting inspired. We are creative beings and when deprived of these essential qualities we shrivel and die. Perhaps not a physical death, but certainly a spiritual one. It’s up to you to give yourself what you need to thrive.

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Feeling stuck? Are you ready to change some things up to have more fulfillment and joy? Request a complimentary consultation with Ted by going to He’ll get back to you within 48 hours to talk about what’s going on, answer any questions you have, and if you are ready, schedule you first hypnotherapy session in person or remotely.

I hope you enjoyed my podcast today.

And now, you can watch a video of this podcast by going to my YouTube channel @TedAMoreno. Here are two quotes for you, the first is by Jiddu Krishnamurti:

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” The next quote is from an article titled The Only Way to Avoid Living a Life of Quiet Desperation by Jason Phipps at

“The only way to avoid a life of quiet desperation is to be brutally honest with ourselves. To not succumb to the trappings of a society that forces us to buy, pose, share, and like. To be different in a manner that is authentic. To have the courage to look life in its eyes, and say no to what isn’t our path, and to say yes to what is. Avoiding this isn’t easy, hence why most of us never do.”

Something to think about.

Thanks for being here,  Ted