How to Manage and Increase Your Energy – Episode 453

“OMG I’m sooo tired!” How often to we hear this from people around us (and maybe even from yourself?) There’s a lot of talk about how to manage your time but a lot less about how to manage your energy.  So, in this episode, Ted talks about how to manage and increase your energy to allow you to get more done in less time a lot more enjoyably. Ted discusses the fundamentals of abundant energy, (you know what they are!) energy sucks, why mindfulness is so important in having high energy, the four areas of your life energy, and reveals the single most important characteristic of those that have seemingly infinity energy.

Are you dragging yourself through the day? Check out this podcast episode!



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If you don’t manage your time well, you might run out of time.

If you don’t manage your money, you might lose it.

So, if you want to have a lot of energy, you need to manage that too. But here’s the thing about energy: you can manage it in a way where you always have more than enough energy. You have a finite amount of time, and at any point you have a finite amount of money, but it’s possible to have all the energy you need if you learn to manage it correctly. We’re talking about abundant energy.

Now, there will be times when you are going to lack energy, that’s life. However, when you you’re sick, or going through really tough times, are have a new baby and not getting enough sleep, these are the most important times to pay attention to and manage your energy.

Let’s start with the basics: good sleep, good food and regular physical activity. These are the fundamental requirements for high energy. We know this. However, people make the mistake of saying, “Well, I don’t have the time to get all the sleep I need, or I don’t have time for physical activity.”

The truth is that having a higher level of energy makes your time more efficient, you get things done more quickly, there is less procrastination, and things flow easier with less effort. Managing and cultivating more energy simply means you have more energy to do the things that give you more energy! So contrary to what many people think, taking the time to get good sleep, physical activity, and eating good food is an investment into your energy account. And don’t forget, drugs and alcohol and sap your energy easily

I don’t want to say more about this because it’s something everyone should know, so if you’re dragging yourself through the day, start with addressing the fundamentals for a higher level of energy.

Now, I’m going to suggest to you that the single most important thing that you can focus on for maximum energy is what is going on in your own head. If you have the right mindset, if your head is on straight, this can be incredibly important to your energy even if you aren’t getting the sleep or food or exercise that you want or need.

We’re talking about your own relationship with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, if you are beating yourself up by judging, criticizing yourself or comparing yourself to others, these are huge energy drains. If you desire a higher level of energy, it’s imperative and critical that you take time to connect with yourself. Take time to reflect on the following:

· What’s your purpose?

· What are your values?

· What is important to you in this life?

· Do you have goals written down?

· What lifts you up?

· What is dragging you down as far as your feelings about yourself?

If you aren’t taking the time to cultivate this type of awareness, then you will allow yourself to be a leaf blown about by circumstance and other people’s opinions and behaviors.

Speaking of other peoples’ opinions and behaviors: do what you can to avoid drama and people that create chaos and drama. This kind of toxic energy will suck the life force out of you. You might not be able to avoid being near family members or co-workers like this, but you can and must draw boundaries to keep from getting drawn it to other people’s negative stuff. As much as possible don’t engage and keep your distance.

Same thing with the news. There’s nothing wrong with being informed about what’s happening or being active in your cause. But when you notice that your media or social media exposure is making you angry a lot, or scared a lot, or apathetic, then you know your energy is being drained. Get angry, get fired up, be concerned but don’t live there. You really need to protect yourself against the constant effort by most media outlets to get an emotional reaction from you.

One of the ways you can do that is to stay grounded, centered and balanced. There are many ways to do this. Mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation or prayer, breathwork, walking, and daily affirmations are all effective ways to keep your energy from being drained. As I’ve mentioned in many of my previous podcasts, ritual and routine can help you maintain those powerful habits, especially your morning routine. There’s a great article on that references the work of John Kabat Zinn, American professor of medicine and the creator of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He’s identified 7 areas of mindfulness:

· Non-judging

· Patience

· Beginner’s Mind

· Trust

· Non-striving

· Acceptance

· Letting Go

Check out the video that I’ve linked above.

One of the benefits of cultivating mindfulness is that it allows you to have the awareness and clarity to see what gives you energy and what drains your energy. And that is very important to know.

Finally, ask for help. You don’t need to do it on your own. Find a counselor, therapist, coach, mentor, whoever, find someone who can support you and assist you in doing the things that you need to do to increase your energy. There’s another great article in the Harvard Business Review online titled Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time where the authors discuss the four areas of energy we all have: Body, emotions, spirit and mind.

Energy in the body is created through your self-care and healthy habits.

Energy in your emotions is managed by giving yourself downtime, and connecting with the people and activities that boost your energy and avoiding energy suckers.

Energy in your mind is being able to focus and concentrate by cultivating feelings of being centered and grounded and avoiding drama and distractions.

Energy in your spirit is finding meaning and purpose in your life.

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There you go, I hope you found this episode helpful. Of course, if you feel you need help to get your energy back online, you can request a complimentary consultation by going to

Let me leave you with two quotes today, the first by Nikola Tesla:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The second is the Serenity Prayer, you may have heard it:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thanks for being here,


Illustration by Martin Mancha