Step by Step: How to Start Exercising Regularly – Episode P447

Getting regular exercise is good for your body and good for your brain. It helps to release stress and tension, gives you a feeling of accomplishment, and gives you greater energy. Getting regular exercise will help you to have more energy, be happier, more focused and effective, less stressed, more confident, look better and live longer.

But, if you’re not in the habit of regular exercise, it can be difficult to go from not doing anything to getting regular and consistent exercise.

In this episode. Ted shares practical step by step directions to help you begin and maintain a consistent exercise program. It doesn’t have to be hard and it’s probably not as hard as you think. If you have been trying to get more exercise more often, listen to this episode!

One of the most common reasons people come to my hypnotherapy practice is for help in finding the motivation to exercise. We all know exercise is essential to health and wellness. Getting regular exercise is good for your body and good for your brain. It helps to release stress and tension, gives you a feeling of accomplishment, and gives you greater energy. Getting regular exercise will help you to be happier, more focused and effective, less stressed, more confident, look better and live longer. But you knew that, right?

For those that are challenged by anxiety, exercise is a must to get out of your head and into your body on a regular basis. But, if you’re not in the habit or regular exercise, it can be difficult to go from not doing anything to getting regular and consistent exercise.

The purpose of this podcast episode is not to sell you on the benefits of exercise, but to help you get started. Now, we all have reasons why we can’t do it right: it’s sweaty, it’s uncomfortable, you don’t have time, you can’t afford a gym or a personal trainer, or you don’t like going to the gym, you don’t want people to look at you, etc. Let’s be clear that focusing on all the reasons why you can’t exercise won’t help you. We are looking for solutions here! Refocus your mind on reasons why you CAN achieve the fitness you want and begin looking for ways to make it happen. (This episode will help.) I suggest you adopt a different perspective and begin to ask yourself “How can I start to get regular exercise?”

Here’s the answer: step by step adherence to a plan. The mistake people make is when they say “I can’t find the motivation to exercise!”

Motivation is not something you find, like you find it on Amazon and it shows up at your doorstep. No, you must generate motivation, or you will forever be looking out the window waiting for the truck to bring it to you.

Here are some practical step by step directions to help you begin and maintain a consistent exercise program:

1. The first step is to make the decision that getting exercise is something you MUST do. Not would like to, not it would be cool, not sure wish I could, not maybe someday. Make it a must. You want to find a word that is acceptable to you that doesn’t have negative connotations. Some people hate or have a negative reaction to the words exercise, working out, gym, etc., so find a word that works for you. It might be moving your body, getting fit, physical activity, etc. This is important!

2. Make it a goal and write it down. For example, you might write down, “My goal is to begin and maintain a program of regular physical fitness.” Write down all the reasons why you must get exercise or whatever word that describes what you want to do. Not why you

should, but why you must. Take a couple of minutes to imagine how you would feel if you were getting physical activity regularly and how you would feel about yourself. Use supportive language. Be your own coach. Talk to yourself using encouraging and motivating language. Before you go to bed, use affirmations such as “My health is my top priority and I am committed to my plan to exercise tomorrow at 7 am!” When you wake up in the morning, say to yourself “I’m committed to making this happen today!” This is how you develop a success mindset around your fitness.

3. Find something that you can do and enjoy. If you absolutely can’t stand going to the gym, then forget about that. There are plenty of other ways to increase physical fitness. Just to name a few: walking, hiking, biking, yoga, pilates, tai chi, chi gong, jumping jacks, jumping rope or using a rebounder (mini trampoline). In addition, there are plenty of videos and CD programs available for purchase or free online that can guide you. If doing the same thing bores you, then mix it up. Walk one day, hike another, ride a bike the next, take a class once a week.

Getting a fitness or exercise partner can make it a lot easier and enjoyable. If you can find someone to walk, hike, bike, go to the gym or take a class with, you are much more likely to do it and enjoy it.

5. PLAN! This is probably the most important step. Remember that most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. Be realistic as to when you can fit in your activity. To go from doing nothing to getting up at 6 am everyday and going to the gym is probably not realistic. Or maybe it’s just not possible to get it in before work. Maybe it’s the first thing you do after you get home from work. We’re busy people, so take some time to sit down and plan the days and times that will work for you. Try to make these times as consistent if possible. In other words, schedule the same days and times every week. We are trying to create a new habit. Write it down in your schedule book/app as an appointment and create reminders for yourself.

6. Start with easily achievable steps. Success by the inch is a cinch, by the yard it’s very hard. Shoot for 2 times a week, for 30 minutes each time, or even 15 minutes. Start small and work your way up. If you plan to get out and do something twice a week and you do it, congratulations you are a success! However, if you plan for 5 days a week and only do three, you might be tempted to beat yourself up.

Bonus tip: Hire a personal trainer. This will make you accountable and will most likely get you the best results. Do your homework and find someone reputable with good reviews or ask around for a good referral. Ask lots of questions of potential trainers and communicate

clearly what your goals are and how you want to be trained i.e. “I want someone to kick my butt” or “I want some to be gentle with me.”

You can do this. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but discomfort becomes comfort if repeated enough. To reiterate, be clear about why you must start and the benefit you will receive. Getting into a regular schedule of consistent activity and feeling the benefits can be one of your greatest accomplishments.

Remember 12 vs 88! 12 percent of your mind is your conscious mind and it wants to exercise. 88% of your mind is your subconscious mind, and it does not want to exercise if exercise is not a known to your subconscious. That’s where I come in. As a hypnotherapist, I work at the level of the subconscious mind using the power of suggestion. If you need support getting into the exercise habit, you can get in touch with me be going to Send me an email or give me a call and we’ll have a nice complimentary phone consultation to answer your questions and see if hypnotherapy and high performance coaching is right for you.


Believe you can, and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

You don’t have to be extreme. Just consistent. – Unknown

Thank you for listening, get out there and make it happen and we’ll talk soon.


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Your conscious mind (12%) wants to exercise, but your subconscious mind (88%) does not want to exercise. As a hypnotherapist, Ted works at the level of the subconscious mind using the power of suggestion. If  you need support getting into the exercise habit, you can get in touch with Ted by going to can request a complimentary phone consultation to answer your questions and see if hypnotherapy and high performance coaching is right for you.