But I Don’t Want to Go Back to School!


My oldest daughter, the Chick, starts first grade Monday.Sheesh, seems like only last month she was starting kindergarten.

I vividly remember my first day of first grade. Since my mom had 5 kids to care for and my dad was working, I hitched a ride to the first day of school with the kid down the block, Arthur. His parents dropped us off in front of the school, but I had no clue where to go, so I just followed Arthur  into a classroom. As I sat down at a desk and waited for whatever was going to happen, I noticed a snotty-nosed kid in the next seat over staring at me.  “You’re not in this class!!” he blurted out.

That rattled me a little but I ignored him. When class started, the first thing the teacher said was “Pull out a pencil and some paper.” As one, the whole class went sideways to retrieve paper and pencils  from some hidden compartment underneath the desks. I bent over to look in mine but found only empty space…?

I started to get the feeling something was horribly wrong.I couldn’t make heads or tales of what the teacher was saying or even what the heck I was supposed to be doing. Eventually and to my great relief we went out for recess and lined up at the water fountain. I noticed a women with a clipboard coming down the line asking each kid “Are you Theodore Moreno?” Uh oh. Finally she got to me. “Are you Theodore Moreno?” I gulped and answered feebly “Yes?” “Come with me,” she said, “you’re in the wrong classroom!”

Turns out that I followed Arthur into the second grade classroom. What did I know? I was 6 friggin’ years old. When I didn’t show up in first grade they called my mom. “Is Teddy coming to school?” It was about then that they sent out the search party. After that, my first grade teacher called me “the boy who couldn’t find his classroom.” I call her “the teacher with the big mouth.” Ah, the joys of childhood.

Back to school time can be a time of stress for both parents and children, as well as adult students returning to school. Once again, I’m going to have to get used to getting myself up, getting a couple of little kids up, dressing them, feeding them, then making sure they get where they need to go, while trying to slip a little Ted time in there like stretching or reading or God forbid, exercise.

In my hypnotherapy practice, I work with kids from age 12 on up. I can help with general anxiety regarding transitioning into the next grade level or new school, as well as test anxiety, focus and concentration, and sleep problems.

I also work with adult students, mostly with text anxiety and focus and concentration.In addition, I can help with time management, procrastination and motivation.

I also assist parents like myself, people who remember fondly and yearn for the days when mornings were peaceful and quiet, and there was plenty of time for yoga, coffee, and reading Esquire magazine. I can’t bring those days back, but I can help them create a more peaceful and calm mind, which leads to more peaceful and calm mornings (afternoons, evenings, etc.)

Like Macy’s, Sears, and Target, I’m offering a back to school special, just for the readers of Ted’s Tips for Transformation. For new clients, 15% off your first session. For returning clients, 20% off regular price for your next session. For both, 15% off of a four session package. (You’ve got to call and book your appointment by Wednesday, August 31st, and this offer can’t be combined with any other juicy offers that may be floating around out there.)

Well, I’ve got to go do some self hypnosis, I feel myself already starting to freak out about the prospect of changing my summer morning routine which I finally got a handle on about two days ago.

Oh, and I’m going to personally escort my kid into her first grade classroom. Then maybe I’ll escort myself into Starbucks for a little T-time…

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Your companion on the journey to transformation,


 Ted A. Moreno
Personal/Small Business Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist
12 replies
  1. Armida Baylon
    Armida Baylon says:

    Ted – you definitely have a gift – actually several, but starting with a great sense of humor and good storytelling. Thank you for your always clever commentaries.

  2. David
    David says:

    Nice post T-Man. Funny how when I was a kid I hated this time of year; going back to school. And now, with 1 week to go before my kids go back, I am finding this time to be the most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

  3. Kyle
    Kyle says:

    Thanks Teddy! I think you just innately knew of your superior intelligence and thus skipped first grade!

  4. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    Growing up in a small army post all ages went on the same bus. After listening to the older kids talk about school I was sure this was a one way ride. The bus arrived at my school and before the driver let us off he wanted learn something new from each of us upon his return. WHAT a relief I could go home later . True to his word he stood outside his bus and we told of great learning that happened. Mr Ben was the greatest educator I ever met… rb

    • Ted A. Moreno
      Ted A. Moreno says:

      Thank you so much for your comments, Rebecca! I recently reconnected on Facebook with a couple of teachers that made a huge difference in my life.

  5. Karen R. Cooper
    Karen R. Cooper says:

    You are too funny! I read your story this morning, started my day off with a laugh, which my doctor says I need to relieve stress and sure enough she is so right; I feel better already!!!


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  1. Neil says:

    nlp books…

    Awesome Post…

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