You’ve Got It Backwards! It’s BE, DO, HAVE.

Have you ever heard anybody say “If only I can  have this (car, house, relationship, etc…), then I’ll do what I want to do, and then I’ll be (happy, successful, fulfilled etc.)”. Sadly, it seems that all too often people get stuck in “If only…”

That’s because it’s not the having or doing that matters. It’s the Being. Got it?

Question: Who are you Being now? Are you being relaxed? If you are, then you are doing something very different than if you were being tense or nervous. That’s because doing comes out of Being. However, many of us believe that if we just have the right thing, we will do what we want and be successful, happy, fulfilled, peaceful, etc. In my experience, though, that’s backwards, yet it’s the formula that most people follow, and it’s called


(If I have this, I will do that, and I will be what I want to be.)

Let me ask you another question. Who do you think  you are? (Hint: Who do you say you are?)  Who you say you are is who you declare yourself to be. What you say you are is probably going to reflect what you do.

Listen to your own language. Do you say you are happy? Or miserable? Do you say you are competent? Or a loser? Do you say you are lucky? Or cursed? You are what you say you are, what you declare yourself to be.

Listen  to other people’s language. How often do you hear “I am tired” or “I am sick of this” or “I hate that” (I am hating). Compare what their experience of life is to those who say things such as “I am grateful” or “I’m cool” or “I’m fantastic” or “I’m so good I wish I were twins!”.

Some might say, “Oh, they can say that because they have a good job, good marriage, or good luck.” But consider, just consider, that they have those good things because of who they declare themselves to Be. Maybe they understand that the universe works like this:


(If I am who I want to Be, then I’ll do what that type of person does,  and then I’ll have what that type of person has)

I didn’t come up with this. I learned it in the Landmark Forum, then read it in Conversations with God, then had it reinforced by T. Harv Eker. It’s how the Law of Attraction works.

Let’s examine this statement: “If I have the perfect job, then I’ll  make lots of money (do) , then I will be successful.” The underlying assumption is “I am not yet successful.”

Now try this: “I am successful (Being).  I do the things successful people do, and I have the things successful people have.” It starts with a declaration of Being. EVERYTHING starts with BEING.

You must declare yourself to BE what you want to BE, then DO the things that that person would do, so you can have the things that that  person would have.

It can’t be that simple can it? Well yes, but it’s not easy! Let’s say I declare that who I am is happy. This is a state of being. Does happiness start with what you do? Absolutely not! It starts with an  idea, a thought,  a happy mind set. If declare myself to be happy, then I make the choice to be happy,  so I now I do the things that happy people do. Like, for instance, smile. What is it about these happy people that they are always smiling?? What is up with that? Are they smiling because they are happy or are they happy because they are smiling? Does it matter?! They have a happy life! If I want a happy life, then I’m just going to have to do what those happy people are doing.

 What do happy people do? My advice is this: find someone who you know is  happy and ask them; they won’t mind telling you because that’s what those darn happy people do, they seem to like to spread thier happiness around, can you imagine that? Who do these people think they are?

Um….happy? Duh!

I stood up one day in 2000 and declared to the world (or at least a small segment of the world) “Who I am is transformation.” I wanted to change my life. I didn’t know what the heck transformation involved but it sounded good. (This was before I became a hypnotherapist.) So I started talking like a transformed person. Acting like a transformed person. Hanging out with people who wanted transformation. Reading books about transformation.

Now, I am Transformation Man! Don’t sell me on your shortcomings, I won’t be convinced! Don’t try to convince me you’re a terrible person, I won’t believe it! I’m a stand for your greatness, do you get that? Why? Because that is who I declare myself to be, and when I stand in the place of transformation, I am powerful. It doesn’t matter that sometimes I feel weak because how I feel has nothing to do with the committment I have made – to choose powerfully to walk the path of my own personal evolution.

Let me ask you one more question. WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? Scarlett O ‘Hara declared “As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!” as she scarfed on a wimpy carrot, but that didn’t matter. In that moment, she BEcame something other than just hungry.

If you are not who you want to be, then you must do the same. Declare who you want to be as who you are now. Say it out loud, declare it to the  universe, tell who ever will listen, write it down, make it your committment, your life’s purpose, your reason for being here. Scream it from the highest mountain, repeat it a thousand times a day. Then DO. Whenever, however, as much as you can, as often as you can. Ask for help. You’ll be stopped, challenged, maybe even ridiculed. Just keep declaring who you are, this is your spririt, this is your essence, this is your energy, this is your life for Gods sake!

Don’t waste another moment wishing, hoping or waiting for the right conditions to be who you want to be. Declare yourself to be it now, declare it with power and conviction. Then do something. And see what happens.

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To hear a podcast of this blog, go to episode 62
 Ted A. Moreno
Personal/Small Business Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist
Specializing in Your Success                                                                       
 (626) 826-0612
7 replies
  1. Kyle
    Kyle says:

    Thanks Ted, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I work every day on staying in the moment & enjoying it.

  2. Lupe Saavedra
    Lupe Saavedra says:

    I needed this! Having have tried to be a paid firefighter for 5 years. I am a volunteer firefighter but with the economy, very few departments are hiring. I sometimes want to quit all toghether and try for a “normal” life. What is a “normal” life? I AM a firefighter already! Who cares if I’m not paid, the people we save aren’t made of plastic, they are REAL people. I have to start living the part and saying it over and over that I already am a firefighter. Before you know it, I’ll be hired into a paid department. Thank you!

  3. Jean Dear-Lopez
    Jean Dear-Lopez says:

    Hi, Ted!

    this is one of your wife’s cousins. I REALLY needed this! GREAT article! I’m going through alot of medical issues right now and have been feeling a little doubtful lately. This article of yours relly picked me up! Thanks a bunch! I’m going to stay tuned and read more. To be continued, right?


  4. Therese
    Therese says:

    Hi Ted,
    Great article , yes indeed always try to pratice that sometimes forget but you know I’m one of those Happy people 🙂 Whoo-Hoo. Life is Miraculous. It’s all the way u look at it . Thanks for all the great posts

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