Special Offer For The Mom’s Out There

Mother, Mom,  Mommy, Mama, Ma, Mum. I call my mom Mom but my siblings call her Mumsy, I have no idea where that came from. My kids know her as Grandma Mumsy. I am blessed to have her in my life.

In my work I speak with many that have issues with their mothers. They don’t speak, or when they do it can be volatile and trigger resentments sometimes going way back. When I did the Landmark Forum, it was suggested that if you have parents, you will have issues with them and moving forward in life has a lot to do with resolving those issues.

So when I hear about people that don’t get along with their mothers, I feel all the more fortunate. My mom was the best. Thanks mom. And that’s all I have to say about that.

In honor of my mother, for the month of May, I am going to give every mother that comes in$25 off each hypnotherapy session, and $50 off my Smoking Cessation Program. If you know a mom that is stressed out,  overwhelmed, trying to quit smoking or lose weight, dealing with transitions such as childbirth or divorce, or having trouble dealing with whatever is going on in her life, please pass this along to her. And don’t forget to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day.